Tuesday, January 08, 2013


YEP... it's Stew's Birthday today.

But... we kinda celebrated it last night instead of today so that Mike and Joyce could be here too.
ABOVE: me and my 'baby boy'... lol. Well... he is my youngest 'birth child' afterall!

ABOVE:  Mum, Dad and Mike... I look like a little dumpling sandwiched between those two!

 ABOVE:  Stew blowing out his candles, he loves Cheescake, so I bought 2.
Mike and Joyce took some home with them too... so there's not too much left in the house.

ABOVE: Mike, Joyce, Steve and Bex got Stew the latest Super Rugby Chiefs Jersey.  It's the 2013 - 2014 one, and it's really lovely.  Stew was thrilled to bits with it.

 ABOVE:  I got him a really lovely, super big coffee mug.... not as thrilling at the jersey, but he liked it too  ... I hope!  lol

 ABOVE:  ready to have some cake...

ABOVE:  Stew and Mike, just before we took Mike and Joyce to the airport.

TODAY:  Some jobs around the house.  Stew is going to tidy up the garage and deflate the air beds now that no one has to sleep down there!

Griffin will sleep in the lounge on a couch for tonight, until he gets his bedroom back again.

I will be happy to just potter around the house...

IN OTHER NEWS:   I read another girl's blog last night ... and saw I was not the only person having issues uploading photos from my computer to my blog.... and APPARENTLY the problem is with Internet Explorer, NOT Blogger!  So I tried using Google Chrome instead and IT WORKS!  Freakin AWESOME, it was pissing me off something rotten having to put me photos on Picasa THEN upload them from there to me blog.
Yaaa... back to 'normality'.


JILL:   I am 5'4", Mike and Stew are both around 6'2".  So... maybe I am short! lol

So... the day is progressing nicely... we are going out for lunch... and Bex and Dante are coming too.
I think we are going to Botany...

Lunch out was really lovely, and Bex did some retail therapy too... then we came home to Russ, Tess and kids waiting in their van for us to get home!  Whoops.  But, we did not know when to expect them, so don't feel bad.

I've made a big mince/bacon/vege and cheese pie for dinner... will be served with new potatoes.  Should be nice.

End of Day:  11.25 pm, everyone is in bed except me... it's been a long day.  Stew had a lovely Birthday, thank you to everyone who wished him a Happy Birthday... :)  ... *smiles* in other words.
nite nite


  1. Happy Birthday Stew hope you have a nice restful day :)
    Luv the photos
    have a good day chris

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Happy Birthdate Stew!!

  3. Happy Birthday Stew! Hope you have an awesome day! Loving the new shirt & mug! :)
    Hope it won't be to long before Mike and Joyce come back for another visit!
    Enjoy your day.

  4. Happy birthday to Stew yay the chiefs are playing their opening pre season game in TAPO we are already there!, Mike and Stew are so Tall... and you are tall too but those men no mistaking father and son there, have a great day pottering.

  5. Leigh8:56 AM

    Wow never realised Stew is so tall! Happy Birthday Stew

  6. Happy Birthday Stew! I counted 11 candles...
    He'll love the coffee mug, I know I would!

  7. Happy Birthday to Stew! Hope you all have a nice relaxing day!

  8. Happy Birthday Stew!
    I hope you have a fantatic day - I see you are already being spoilt!

  9. Happy Birthday Stew!!! I bet you are looking forward to some normality. Are you a shorty Chris? Or is it just those two are so tall?

  10. Happy Birthday to Stew - nice shirt too - Go the CHIEFS!!

    Have a great day you guys...

    I am trying to get motivated to do a bit of a spring clean but I lack all sorts of energy!

    See ya

    Kate (444)

  11. Happy Birthday Stew.

  12. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Happy Birthday Stew!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Even your 'normal' life looks busy, while it's surely great to have everyone at home, must be good to get back to 'normal' lol! Re your blogger issues, I normally use Firefox and Google Chrome,, but at work we only have Internet Explorer, and everytime I want to log into gmail at work I get this message that Google (gmail, blogger, picasa etc.) doesn't support IE anymore.
    Happy birthday to your DH!

  14. Happy birthday Stew! Hope you have a ripper of a day! xx

  15. Happy Birthday to Stew! I had no problems at home because I use chrome there but it wouldn't work at work and it's IE so you are right!

  16. Happy Birthday to Stew!! I hope you all enjoy your lunch out today. Lovely photos too :)

  17. Happy Birthday Stew! I hope you all have a great day

  18. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Happy birthday, hope you have a great day from Richard and family

  19. Happy Birthday Stew!

  20. Happy Birthday to Stew. Husband, father and grandfather of the year!!

  21. Wishing Stew a very happy birthday and hope you all had a great time out for lunch :)

  22. Happy Birthday to Stew. Hope you enjoyed you special birthday lunch.


  23. Happy Birthday Stew!! You deserve a beer or two or three :-)

  24. Happy Birthday to Stew. I had to chuckle cos I am just over 5 ft and my two boys are well over 6:3

    How did I breed them so tall?

  25. Enjoy tonight. The pie sounds yummy.

  26. Happy Birthday Stew, you sound like a wonderful man, Chris, I think the photo of you with Stew and Mike where you think you loook like a little dumpling is just gorgeous, you all have such beautiful expressions on your faces. Mike is a great kid, I can just tell.

  27. Happy birthday wishes to Stew! The jersey looks great and is quite slimming. Have. Have a happy night guys, cheers.

  28. Happy birthday Stew!

  29. Happy Birthday Stew, hope you are having an awesome day. Lovely photos. Penny xo

  30. Happy birthday Stew
    Hope things in the household are event less tonight
    We don't want a repeat of your birthday hey.

    I seem some hydraingers today snd thought of u

  31. Happiest of Birthdays to you Stew 😄😃😄😃

  32. Happy birthday Stew! Chris - I love your shirt!

  33. Between the phone and my lack of vocal oomph I couldn't hear or answer you guys very clear today sorry. Did you get my email last night Chris? Hey you should stand on a stool next photo! My mum did between my Dad and. ken. It was hilarious.

  34. Happy Birthday Stew.
    Glad to hear you have had a lovely day.

  35. Happy Birthday Stew - glad you all had a nice day! Cheesecake Shop cheesecakes are to die for! EVIL!

  36. Firstly Happy New Year. Best wishes to Stew for a very Happy Birthday. My goodness you have been busy! Take care.


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