Sunday, November 11, 2012


Steve and I took hundreds of photos yesterday of puppies ... so I have to share SOME of them:

First we have DIESEL'S new family:

ABOVE:  They have two little girls too... so Diesel is going to be spoilt rotten.

Next is Peppa:

ABOVE:  Jenna is Peppa's new Mum... Jenna has her work cut out for her with her little bundle of mischief!

Next is Molly... who's family have not met her yet... she goes to them on Friday ...

ABOVE:  Steve took this photo with his camera, so the colouring is quite different to mine.  Her colour is more 'true' in my photos.

ABOVE:  Molly is very inquisitive and loves being cuddled... perfect for her new family down in Hawera.

Then we have POPPY, who's family... The Owen's, chose her when she was only teeny tiny: 

ABOVE: Poppy, she has grown such a lot since The Owens saw her last!  And got a great dose of mischief in her too...

 ABOVE:  see... that is POPPY about to pounce on Roxy!

Next we have some photos of ROXY... I didn't get any photos of her family...

ABOVE:  Miss Roxy... such a cutie!

Next puppy we have is....  PHANTOM!  Chilli got his forever home yesterday... and he is going to a lovely family in Palmerston North!  

ABOVE:  Yes Jackie and Tony... he likes chewing toes!  lol

And I have ONE final photo for now....

 ABOVE:  I give you.... puppy bums!  So, so cute.

TODAY:  relax.  chill.  lazy around. Anything but housework.  Might even do some sewing.  I've got to make Phantom's blankie, and I think it would be nice to make one each for Teddy and Coco too... they can get them for Christmas.

Right... just re-bathed Teddy and Coco... and applied Flea treatment (Advantage) so hopefully they will stop scratching now.  I'm feeling a bit pissed that they came home from the groomers itchy.  

A bit later on I am going to semi-bath the pups... just their bums today.  I hope it goes well!  

Awww  MARTINE:  I'm so happy that my wee puppies help cheer you up.   Hang in there Chick... I hope you are feeling heaps better soon.


The only puppy who got the shakes afterwards was Molly... so I wrapped her up in a woollen blanket and put her on my chest to calm and warm her up.  

ABOVE: She's warm and happy now.

Stew made dinner tonight... a really lovely beef and bacon stew with Mashed Potatoes... yummy.

Miss Keera is spending the night with us... she is such a delightful baby girl... we LOVE having her here with us,  and we can't wait until Steve and Bex's wee boy is here too... so much fun in store for us.

Talking of Bex... we are off to the midwife tomorrow... so some girly time for me and her.  We might even go shopping... Bex enjoys our shopping expeditions.

End of Day:  yep ... another lovely day in the house.  Puppies are so entertaining... we are going to miss them so much when most of them leave on Saturday... *sniff*
nite nite


  1. Puppies I love them they are so cuteilicious.... The new families will love them to bits that's for sure WHO wouldn't.

  2. Dear Chris, currently I have been suffering anxiety and depression but coming out of it. Those darling puppies are the first thing I look for before I get out of bed -check your blog every morning before getting out of bed and trying to face another day. They have given me such joy - they are so cute. Love Martine xxx

  3. awwww poor Molly looks like a drowned rat! LOL.. Cant wait for those cuddles

  4. Love,love,love your blog!! Love the photos of the puppies. I too, like Martine above check your blog first thing! Cheers xx

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    great puppy pics! busy times ahead with more babies - gotta love it.

    Kate (kittie444)

  6. Just love these pics! I hope the families enjoy their doggies for many, many years. :)

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    That is a beautiful photo of the little boy & Diesel One for their family album me thinks
    Mary H

  8. i love your photos... your dog is so cute...


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