Friday, September 14, 2012


Here is the latest comparison photos of Coco's tummy:
ABOVE:  18 days (approx) to go... and...

ABOVE:  10 days (approx) to go!
She still has a little way to go... poor girl.

ABOVE:  last night I started quilting parts of the Cot Bumper Set for Steve and Bex's baby.  Because I wanted the detail to really 'puff' and stand out.. I had to use 4 layers:

1. The Top.
2. 'Normal' batting.
3. 'Thick, stiff wadding'.
4. The back fabric.

If there's anyone 'out there' who knows of any other product I could have used instead of two middle layers, I'd love to hear from you.  Because I used two middle layers, it cost twice as much!

ABOVE:  up close to show how it has 'popped out' with the quilting.  I hope to get this panel finished today.  It's the 'head end' panel... and it's got the baby's name on it.   

Today:  Bex goes home sometime.  
I might go out and try to find some freaking live flies for the frogs, some weed killer cos that bloody palm tree is NOT dead!   Oh and flea shampoo for the dogs... cos they are scratching.... shit!  We might have FLEAS!!!


KOO:  I do believe you are right!  It is an interesting shopping list!  
Flea Shampoo
Weed killer

Maybe I should add Fabric!  lol

ABOVE:  This might be a first!  I went out with three things on me list... and come home with only those three things!!!
Best bit?
Because the flies had all hatched... I got the whole pot for half price!  SCORE.

Bex is leaving after lunch, so as it is now lunchtime, I might just make us something to eat...

Sewing got done this afternoon... only got a few more bits to do and one panel of the cot bumper set will be done.

HAPPY ELF MOM:  I poked a couple of holes in the lid and put the pot inside the terrarium, the flies slowly crawl out of the holes!  Simple eh?

End of Day:  Steve has gone to Hamilton so it's just the kids and me here tonight and tomorrow.  Looking forward to when Stew gets home on Sunday.
I've got a massive headache tonight, no idea why.... it's the first really nasty one I've had in ages.
Off to bed early... hope to sleep it off.
nite nite


  1. poor dog can't imagine being that big and itching too!
    love love love the baby bumper you are such an artist!
    How do you drum up all this creative energy?

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Haha. Flies, weed killer and flea shampoo. Interesting shopping list!!! Mine is a boring bread milk eggs.!
    Have a good day.

  3. The baby bedding is gonna be so cute! You are very talented!
    Have a ? from yesterday-what is Milo?
    Have a great day!

  4. That bumper cot padding certainly adds a 3D dimension I like it I AM NO SEWER but I understand the principle! You could have had flies for lunch did the freogs have flies for lunch approx the primary school ask kids to catch them maybe?

  5. How are you going to get the flies out of the container without getting them all about the house??


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