Thursday, June 21, 2012


TODAY is gunna go something like this:

- Steve is home as it's his day off, so we will pick up Lacy at 9.

- Then we will go to Manukau Mall to get some photos printed.

- Go to Manurewa for Lacy's growth scan of Miss Muppet.

- Head over to Botany to pick up my new floor rug... I can't wait to get that home!

- Home and do more sewing.

Talking of sewing, here's what I got FINISHED yesterday:

ABOVE:  well... it is amazing I got all my placemats finished... as Coco wanted to sit on my lap all afternoon and evening!  (note, Coco is sitting on the back of a placemat)

ABOVE:  I got all 9 placemats finished!  In one day.  I was so wrapt.  I think I started these over a year ago!  I love them, they were fun to make.

Blood test!  Shit I forgot.  I've got the lab form from the Dr's ... I have to do the next blood test for diabetes.  Should know the results by Monday if I get the test done today sometime.
*sigh* ... I freakin hate needles.

I will be using our small car today as Stew has taken my Highlander to get her new tyres.  Then she will pass her Warrant of Fitness!  Yaaaa.... then I can drive her without freaking out when I see a cop!... or a parking warden.  lol

SPARKLING:  FOE is short for 'Foetus'... not rocket science eh?  Steve and his twisted sense of humour!


Right:  Lacy's Miss Muppet is measuring in the 60% (percentile) so she's just above average in size.  All good there then.
I haven't had a chance to do my blood test yet, might do it tomorrow.  (hear the cluck cluck noise?) lol
Steve managed to do the things he wanted to get done...and we picked up the new rug:

ABOVE:  there it is... love love love it.

Gunna take a break now... then find another UFO to finish.



  1. Placemats look great! I have a bunch of things I should finish up one of these days lol

  2. Love, Love, Love the placemats !!

  3. Love the placemats :-).

  4. They look awesome Chris - love the pops of green!
    Hope you have a great day

  5. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Warrant of fitness? that sounds like something the doctor would give you after a check-up!I take it thats the kiwi version of our roadworthy certificate? WOMBAT

  6. The placemats look great. I love the colors. It is obvious that Coco really likes them.

  7. And I was looking for something obscure!!

    Enjoy your day.

  8. Love the rug :)

  9. Oh and some photos of miss Chico up on my blog :)

  10. Anonymous1:57 PM

    You amaze me that you can get 9 place mats done all at one sitting. Glad to hear all is well with the baby. I do like your rug, pretty blue!! I was expecting a wildly colored rug! lol ...debbie

  11. Chico is heaps bigger than her mum, I think we feed her to much she is so solid, but the vet said she is fine :)

  12. Oh and if she is having any more pups we could be interested as biscuit is nearly 11 years old and we are thinking another small friend for chico will be cool and the biscuit can retire in peace lol.

  13. Things sound about as hectic in your life as they are in mine. Between getting the kids to school driving and hour out of town to buy a new car raced back for my physio appointment then picked kids up from school. Finally sat down at 9:00pm tonight! The placemats look great!

  14. The placemats look brilliant, and well done for finishing them. The new rug is lovely, Coco and Teddy are such helps around the house.

  15. It occurred to me as I read this that one reason your posts are so enjoyable is because they read like I can hear you talking. I think you should do an audio post so we can hear your voice!

  16. That rug is rather swish and the place mats are great


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