Sunday, June 10, 2012


Last night I said I would drive Lacy home.
It was dark and wet... right.

The minute the words were out of me mouth both Stew and Bex said:

"Don't back into Bex's/My car!"

Like I can't back a car???

I've only ever backed into my own freaking garage door eh?  (let's forget that little accident in Palmerston North OK?  It wasn't all my fault!)

I ain't done anything like this eh?  

*SNIFF*  It would have served them right if I had done just that.
But cos they kinda pissed me off, I made Steve back the friggin car down the driveway for me.

I'm not really cross.  Much.   But I suppose they all know how much I hate driving at night and it's even worse when it's wet.  

I had an awful experience many years ago having to drive on a gravel road, at night, in rain AND fog and it has put me off night driving ever since.  I am actually SCARED SHITLESS driving at night!!!  I only do it when I really have to.

Last night the guys were watching the rugby, so I decided to take Lacy home myself and not make them miss any of their rugby.

I'm NICE like that.    lol

TODAY:  well... I have no idea what our plans are. Steve (son) has to work.   I need to do some housework, washing etc.  
And I would love to get some sewing done???
We. will. see.....

ABOVE:  another Youtube video of my most favourite singer right now.  I hope you enjoy it as much as me.


My dogs are getting so bad in the mornings!  Teddy in particular ... he whines and scratches at the laundry door... until someone lets him out.  So, cos it was driving me nuts I got up and threw them both down in the garage!  Tonight they are going in the garage in their respective dog crates... so they can't even scratch on that door.  
Over dogs dictating when we get up!

I've decided we need to do the grocery shopping today, that way Stew can help me get it all in the house and put away... cos it's such a shit of a job.

On a brighter note.... it's not raining.  Ya.

ABOVE:  it just got cold.  Now the dogs and I are enjoying the lovely warmth... turned this fire on for the first time this year.    I love it, the flames make you warm just looking at them.

End of Day: well the heater was just lovely, for about an hour or so, then I got too hot.  LOL
nite nite.


  1. Anonymous7:36 AM

    The way you started that post I was beginning to think "Oh know, she didn't... did she?" Well you had me on the edge of my seat... Hope you have a nice day ;-)

  2. I haven't done anything like that picture either, but backing is not one of my strongest talents.

  3. hehe! Me too wwangel! Can you come and train my doggies too?

  4. Every single time I back out of the garage my husband tells me not to hit his car-- parked BESIDE mine. It's a running joke that's not very funny. Maybe I should have him back the car out for me like you did. Ha!

    Hope Maxine is feeling good.

    Happy weekend, xo jj

  5. If it wasn't for the animals (and Trevor) I might not ever get up lol

  6. That fire looks so lovely! I wish we could re-install our log burner here in Christchurch - I miss the flames!

  7. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Why didn't you have Steve & Bex drive her home??? lol Your fireplace is really, really pretty!! But I'm thankful winter is over so I can open the doors and windows!! ...debbie


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