Friday, May 04, 2012


Lacy spent last night with a girlfriend... so once the kids go to school, and the blokes go to work... I'll be on me own.
ALL MORNING probably!

Gotta love it.

Last night I started another Giraffe Wall Hanging:

ABOVE:  He's cute!  Lots and lots to do on him yet... but I think he's gunna rock!

Apart from finding time to do some sewing, I really need to do some housework!
The house is a pig sty!  NO... really it is!  

Now that it's getting so very cold overnight... I don't know if it was a good idea moving Steve and Griffin into the garage.  It's freezing down there!

So I've got me thinking cap on again... which will most likely mean moving stuff AGAIN.
I have a feeling the men in my house are NOT going to be happy with me...


I went to the mall... posted a parcel to Sienna, it's her 1st birthday in a couple of days!  Man that year went fast.
Came home... and baked a Double Feijoa Cake!  Everyone loves it, so why waste time doing only one!  

Now I'm going to start the next Giraffe... going to get them all to the point where I can do the applique' stitch around all of them in one go.  I have a!

ABOVE:  Giraffe number 3... he's cute too.  His body is actually orange, but it's come out looking reddish in the photo?  And his patches are actually yellow.  Weird.

End of Day:  a quiet afternoon and evening.  Cooked butter chicken for dinner, it always goes down well with the family.
ON TRACK:  not really... butter chicken, followed by feijoa cake?  was nice though.  *smiles*
nite nite.

HELEN:  Butter Chicken is an Indian dish, small cubes of chicken cooked in a mildly spiced, buttery sauce, poured over rice.  It's to die for!
I am not sure what spices are used, perhaps you can look on the internet?


  1. He looks amazing!
    Gald you are having some ME time!

  2. Love the Giraffes :) You are very talented in the way you see something and next minute you are well on the way to having made it. Me......I just look and nimble fingers for me. It skipped my generation :)
    Hope you enjoy your quiet morning and having caught up on blog reading I bet you are excited to be off for a weekend with your "darling", that cottage looks great.

  3. I love your little giraffe- he is so cute. I like your idea of getting them all to the point of the applique stitch all around each one.

    Sienna's birthday Already- gosh time flys by.

    Our different countries are so funny - while you are enjoying your cool temps-today it was Very warm(hot enough to sweat) and then the rain and wind and hail and the temps. dropped 20 degrees in about 45 minutes. There was plenty of thunder and lightening -but I still love it way more than COLD! LOL

    Keep up your good work - I will be delighted to see how your critters progress!

    At least Steve did try- I bet you and I both know young people who would Never try & on top of that expect to be waited on. I love your handsome-sweet Steve!(One of the perfect son's !)

  4. The Giraffes look great! I need to learn to sew!

  5. FINALLY! Some well deserved time for you. Love the giraffes:)

  6. Number Three Giraffe is too cute!
    LOVE HIM!!!!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Anonymous3:48 PM

    They are super cute. Not sure the pc crowd would approve. 1st one looks like it is on party pills & the 2nd looks like coming home from a party (perhaps a possum party& he feel out of the tree) LOL

  8. Oh the giraffes are as cute as very very cute lucky whoever is the recipient that's all I can say.....

  9. Those giraffes are fantastic. Hope you enjoyed your me time

  10. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Can i ask what butter chicken is? Helen

  11. I'm really liking all the giraffes.
    Enjoy your time to yourself!

  12. Great wall hangings. Glad to see you caught yourself a break. Have a lovely weekend.


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