Sunday, May 13, 2012


I have wanted one of these thingee's for years... and at the market yesterday the first thing I saw (literally!) was one of them:

ABOVE:  I'm not too sure what it's 'supposed' to be, but for me it's going to be our new fruit container!  It's so damn cute... I love it ... and it was a BARGIN..... like super cheap. 

Do we like it?

Today, sadly at some point we will head for home.  But not just yet!  We have the whole day to do as we please again... so we will!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the Mother's out there, I hope we all have a fab day.

Yikes... forgot... last night we went to the movies in Matakana... and when we sat down I was in AWE of the dome shaped ceiling... cos it was COVERED in roses... either fabric or wood, not sure, but spectacular to see!

ABOVE:  you really can't tell  how amazing the ceiling looks from this photo.... 

ABOVE:  this one shows them better!  Amazing... there were literally THOUSANDS of them....  on the outside of the building, the roof is made of copper domes over the two theatres.
The movie we saw was called "The Very Exotic Marigold Hotel".... and while not one I would have normally thought I'd want to see... it was very good!  I'm thinking any movie with Judy Dench in must be good eh?


Home!  Had a wonderful time away.... just perfect.  We are definitely going there again... hopefully in a couple of months.

Fish 'n' chips for dinner tonight, then  TOMORROW... I pull finger and get some weight off!  I saw so many GORGEOUS clothes in boutique type shops in Matakana ... that I loved.  Of course, none of them would fit me right now.  INCENTIVE.  FEELING VERY MOTIVATED.

End of Day:  lots on my mind.... lucky I'm not easily fazed.
Then again... I am sometimes.
ON TRACK: WILL be tomorrow.
nite nite.


  1. I've been dying to see that movie! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Happy mothers day to you Chris! Sounds like you are having a great time!
    Enjoy your day

  3. I've been wanting to see that movie and now I will for I won't have roses on the ceiling though.

  4. your market find is great!! yes, i love it too!
    happy Mothers day!

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh how pretty that looks I too want to see that movie maybe when it comes out on DVD, I got mothers day slippers today and we are going to watch movies all day, and HAVE Roast Prk for dinner.

  6. Happy Mothers Day Chris, enjoy your day...

  7. I'm with you on Judy Dench - she is fantastic! I like the new purchase. We have a similar wire basket with two tiers that I got from the Warehouse for about $10 - perfect in the apartment for storing fruit with limited bench space. In your case with a large family it will be very useful, I'm sure!

    Hope you are enjoying the last day of freedom.

    Penny xo

  8. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I'm so happy for you to be having such a lovely weekend away. So nice to just get away, relax, have some special time together and be spoilt! Happy mothers day. Cheers Glenys x

  9. glad you had an awesome time away
    enjoy mothers day

  10. Happy mothers day chris. hope all went well while you were away. sounds like you had a good time mate. well done

  11. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Glad you had a nice Mother's Day!! It's always nice to get away!!...debbie

  12. I'm so glad you got some time away. A perfect mothers day for you:)

    I love the stacked glassware. I would use it for fruit and veg as well. Just the pretty ones though!

  13. Here we have 1 cinema with the roses thingy except I forget if it's fake roses or just carvings. I expect it must be the art cinema. Glad you had a good getaway. This year I hope we get to travel somewhere - nothing too expensive. Just a change of scene.

  14. You got a new thingy, that made me giggle like a nine year old boy in health class....
    I think roses on the ceiling must provide superior acoustical characteristics.

  15. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you too my beautiful blue eyed friend!!!!!

    What a gorgeous ceiling....that took some time to make it look like that.....beautiful!

    I need some incentive to lose'd think feeling like crap would do it...but so far that isn't even working hahahaha


  16. I wonder what the story of the roses is. Must help with the acoustics too.


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