Wednesday, May 02, 2012


I know I shouldn't, cos I've got SO MANY UFO's in my sewing room... but I did anyway... cos I can!
I started making an applique' wall hanging (or it might end up as a quilt) ... last night:
ABOVE:  a start on a Giraffe.... totally crap photo, took it last night .... will do a better one when the light is better, bit early yet.

I showed it to Lacy, thinking she could have it for Miss Muppet... but the response was not all that enthusiastic.... apparently she would rather something in PURPLE and GREEN.

So.... I will figure out what I can do in those colourways for her.... *sigh*.  Fussy Tart.

TODAY:  first thing we are going to an appointment for Lacy.... so no Hospice Shop for me today.
After that.... We might just have to go down to Spotlight for PURPLE and GREEN fabric!   
What a shame.... more fabric shopping!

You know what?  I had almost forgotten how much I love sewing.... buying awesome fabrics.... I just love it!  It makes me happy.


RAINA:  yeah... she ain't got much appreciation ... she's a crabby tart.
WEBBY:  ya made me laugh... Thanks for the 'pity' lol !

Lacy's appointment didn't take THAT long, so I went into the shop and did a couple of hours work.
BEST NEWS EVER:  Mrs Smelly Pants has been suspended indefinitely..... cos she was being verbally rude and nasty to some of our customers.... and it came to a head on Monday and she was asked to leave!   OMG .... she must have been really bad to get suspended!   I only bought feijoas today.. and a top for Lacy.  So, no photo.  na na nah nah.

Home now and it's time for lunch, I'm starving.... 

It's been a nice quiet afternoon.  I copied some giraffe pictures off the 'net so I can make a few more Giraffe wallhangings or maybe a cot quilt?  Not sure yet... can ya have a purple and green giraffe?

Stew just got home... and it's time to dish dinner:  Chicken Drumbsticks slow baked in a Teriyaki Marinade, veges and potato.  Sounds nice eh?

End of Day:  dinner was very nice.  Quiet evening... not a lot happening around here, it's getting cold!
ON TRACK: yep.  Cool eh?
nite nite


  1. Luv purple and lime green enjoy your day

  2. He is a lovely giraffe and purple/green are quite nice colourways too, OUR first hard frost this morning was crunchy as!!

  3. Anonymous7:46 AM

    That is amazing , The quilting club I belong to a group of us are doing a block a month , and it is that quilt I have just done block one, two , and three, you doing that in NZ and me doing the same one in the UK.

    Joan UK

  4. I'm a bit staggered that Lacy actually had the gall to say 'oh I'd prefer something in purple and green', I'd be over the moon if a wall hanging was being made for me like that - and it is so cute!

    I hope she's paying for the purple and green fabric that you're going to be using!!

  5. That Giraffe is so cute!
    Have a great day

  6. Giraffe-O I LOVE him , Chris-he is so cute..

    So.... I will figure out what I can do in those colourways for her.... *sigh*. Fussy Tart.

    ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some comments just do not need words - you understand more by the laughter!"KIDS:" No matter what size or age they are. LOL

    But, I do feel such PITY for you at the thought Of having to drag yourself to look at fabrics! LOL

  7. wow, Mrs Smelly-Pants suspended, she MUST have been nasty!!

    love the giraffe, its cute as !!

  8. hahahaha Mrs Smellypants - it's called Karma Lady!!

    She was such a cow to you & so rude, it must make working there even more fun without her.

    Enjoy the rest of your day :-)

  9. Christine2:03 PM

    I think a crazy funky purple and green background might be just what that giraffe needs, can't you do both?

  10. Yay!! Smelly pants is gonnnne! Whoo hoo!

    I can't wait to see pics of Lacy's baby. Hope all goes well.

  11. Trying to think of something purple and green... Coming up blank.
    Nice giraffr though!

  12. Anonymous7:36 PM

    purple and green - a turtle??

    I bet Lacy is great to shop with - completely honest about what she thinks looks good. Nothing worse than someone who tells you they like something when truthfully the don't!

    Your dinner does sound scrumptious!

  13. Anonymous8:53 PM

    What about a Peacock! They have nice beautiful feathers! come to think of it... will be a bit Fidley!

  14. Dorothy the dinosaur with green bow tie? Lol


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