Monday, April 09, 2012


I'm quite sure I own two dogs?
ABOVE:  Pffffft!  Seems I'm not the most favoured person in MY house any more!  Or, it might just have been cos there was a patch of sunlight there... right?
ABOVE: getta load of the Ted's posture!  Looks like he's in 7th heaven, spoilt little shit.

ABOVE: a particularly NICE photo of Steve and Bex.  At the park yesterday, when they were NOT rolling around on the grass play fighting. 

TODAY:  our grandson Joshua arrives for a visit. He's coming down on the Airport Shuttle from Whitianga.  We expect him sometime this morning, so we shall just muck around here, do the housework, bla bla bla...


Young Josh arrived mid morning... just after I got outta bed in fact!  Was nice to have a sleep in.
I've just finished cooking a huge plate of bacon for bacon and cheese sandwiches for lunch.

We are off to Sylvia Park this afternoon... I'm sure we will be joining the masses of other people having a wander around the shops.

ABOVE:  I got my hair curled by the Jose Eber people in the mall... it didn't cost a thing... I just had to listen to the guy doing my hair go on and on about how awesome their curlers were, how they were on sale TODAY ONLY, bla bla bla!  I have listened to them say that every time I walk past their stall!  On Sale, TODAY ONLY!  Do they think we are all fools?
*sigh*... anyway, while I would LOVE one of their curlers, it's just not in the budget this year.

It was super crowded in the mall, but we expected that.  We all had a milkshake then came home again.
I've got a nice dinner planned, BBQ'ed beef spare ribs and sausages, with veges tonight.

Bloody hell!  Blogger has gone and changed everything ... now it's gunna take me an hour to figure out how the hell to do what I usually do! Grrrrrrrrr!

ANON:  thanks for your opinion.  As I am perfectly happy with how I do my makeup... I'll just stick to how I do it.  

Oh and I would like to point out that all I am wearing in the way of make up is:
Eye Liner

End of Day:  Another nice day.. it's been a really lovely Easter for a change.  
ON TRACK?  nope.  Tis Easter afterall!
nite nite.


  1. fun pictures!!!
    Your dogs love you!

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Young love. So were u and Stew rolling around on the grass play fighting also?
    Mary H

  3. Looks like you guys had a great Easter! We had a really nice one too with gorgeous weather!

  4. Hair looks great Chris -

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Need to update ya makeup Chris!
    Your very pretty but your make up is very aging :/

  6. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Happy Easter Hun!! There is a section where you can change it to old blogger. The new one is crap so I changed it back. Love your hair, you hot Mumma :) Bec

  7. Lovely photos of the dogs and their lap pillow, those curls in your hair are gorgeous really pretty soft curls, we have had absolutely awesome Easter weather sun sun sun....

  8. awww love the curls...and your make-up :-)

  9. Anonymous8:31 PM

    As any women is happy with how they do their makeup and how they wish to accentuate their "best" features.
    Your features are your "popping" blue eyes. When getting my colours done, I was told, its your eyes or your lips, but not both as colours can be so different.
    As beautiful as you are, choose one area to accentuate and make that your top feature!
    Your eyes are stunning, make those talk for you, find a foundation or bronzer that covers your face and lipstick that nutralises your lips,you do not want to compete with your eyes. I have a friend that can help with face coverage that will not cost an arm or leg. Once the face and lips are sorted, your eyes will be ALL that people look at, and with those gorgeous eyes, why not make them speak for themselves?? They are the windows to your soul. Show how beautiful you really are!


  10. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Piss off anonymous make up natzi! She looks gorgeous and very natural! Beautiful blue family eyes! Why would someone even put a comment like that??? Nasty is the word! Get a life and stop commenting on good peoples blogs!

    Love Chris in Melbourne�� xxx

  11. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I have never commented before but I just want to say that I can't believe that anyone would comment on your makeup. "Get a life" is exactly right! Sheesh..... You look lovely Chris and I enjoy your blog :) Michelle

  12. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Hey Chris, go to the settings icon that looks like a round, spikey doughnut and click on it. Then select old blogger interface, hopefully it will sort it :)

  13. Hey Chris! Very cute photos of Teddy and Coco with Bex...ah, puppy love! :O) And Steve and Bex are really a cute couple!

    Now, I think you are BEAUTIFUL just as you are. And your make up is FINE! I, too, only wear mascara, a bit of blush sometimes, and lipstick. And if someone doesn't like it, too damn bad! Sounds like that "Anonymous" commenter was trying to sell you something...i.e., "...I have a friend that can help with face coverage that will not cost you an arm or leg."... I think they should just mind their own business and leave others alone. Why do people think that just because someone has a public blog that they can say any damn thing they want? Really pisses me off!

    Okay, end of rant. Never mind all the busybodies and have a GREAT day! :o)



  14. I'll join the other commenters in telling Ms A Nonny Mouse to p*ss off with her stupid comments about makeup, and get a life.

    And you hair is GORGEOUS! With or without curls. I'm jealous.

  15. ditto to what has been said
    bloody idiot
    looks like you had a great family weekend :)

  16. What perfectly lovely tresses!

  17. I've said it before, I'll say it again, you are beautiful. Curls, no curls, makeup, no makeup.


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