Wednesday, April 18, 2012


First thing on the agenda today:
Pick up medications for Lacy.

Then... we will head over to a local storage facility and sort out a secure shed for Lacy's furniture... which Stew, Steve and Lacy are picking up tomorrow from Kerikeri.

After that we will head over to Henderson for lunch, and then it should be time for Lacy's 28 week scan.
That should be nice.... to see Miss Muppet... and make sure she is growing well.

Going by the look of Lacy's tummy, Miss Muppet has grow heaps in the past month or so!
Unfortunately, I still have a sore throat... so if it's no better by the end of the day I will make a Dr's appointment.  I feel really crappy.... and I am bound to start getting CRABBY if it drags on. No one likes me crabby... funny that!  lol


First boo boo of the day:

ABOVE:  I washed the pill splitter so I could split some parafast pills.... and I DIDN'T know there was a razor blade there eh?  So... I ran the top of my finger over it... drying it ... and FUCK!!!  Sliced the top of my finger  ... OMG that hurt!  Not impressed.

We got the key to Lacy's storage locker... so that is sorted.
Came home and had lunch, then left at 12.30 for Lacy's scan over in Henderson.  After that we are  picking up her remaining property from the motor camp in Ranui.

6.35 pm.... and we have been out ALL afternoon... did not think it would be dark before we got home when we left at lunchtime!

After the scan... we went to the Motor Camp where Lacy had been staying to pick up her kitchenware/cot and bassinette... BUT we had to wait over an hour before the manager arrived to get it out of storage.

THEN we left for home... BUT ... we got a flat tyre only a few minutes after leaving the motor camp... a dirty great nail was in me tyre.

Luckily we managed to pull into a service station (food and toilets available yaaaa).... and I was able to ring the AA to come and rescue us.

BUT I had to use Lacy's phone cos mine had packed a mental and wouldn't go!   

So ... we waited an hour there until the AA service man arrived and changed me tyre (I didn't know how to) COS... I'm a girl!

After he had fixed me tyre, we left and got on the motorway.. which was totally gridlocked due to rush hour traffic AND an accident.

So ... we got off at Greenlane and met Stew for dinner at McDonalds.   Ewwww.... I had a chicken burger and it was yuk.

So, finally home and feeling mega CRABBY.
Glad I don't have to do ANYTHING tomorrow.

I will talk about the scan tomorrow.

My finger is throbbing too.  Which is making me even crabbier... if that is possible!

TRACY: I CAN do all those things, except change the tyre... I ain't done that in over 30 years!  BUT, as I had a nasty cut finger, and have been a member of AA for YEARS, I decided to let them fix it.  That's what we pay for after all.

End of Day:  some good things, some crappy things happened today.
On Track:  yes.  Amazingly.
nite nite


  1. Glad things are going nicely. You've been in my thoughts!

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I hope your throat is better and that you got to skip the doctors. Maybe it's all this wretched pollen?!! Glad to hear baby is growing!! ...debbie

  3. Ouch! I hate those razor cuts! They hurt!


    Hope the furniture makes the trip safely and that Miss Muppet is doing well. Hope Lacy appreciates all the sleep she is now getting -won't last much longer -will it. LOL

  5. I hope your throat feels better soon! The pollen in the air here is making mine scratchy and sore as well.

    Ouch about your finger! That makes me wince just thinking about it. :(

  6. I'm working VERY hard to not tease you, oh crabby one, about not knowing there was a razor in a pill cutter!!!

  7. I wasn't allowed to drive until I could pour my own petrol, check & refill oil & watwr & change a tyre.

    Never had to wait around for someone to do it for me.

  8. I know how to change a tyre but like you - I would call the AA :)

  9. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I'm with you Chris, if you are a member of AA why not use their service. Besides tires are dirty and I hate getting dirty, greasy hands and the risk of breaking a nail - (seriously I had breaking my nails) - why not use the service you've been paying for!

    Enjoy your Thursday, I'm off to the dentist for a crown - expensive!!! eekk!!!

  10. Oh my what an eventful day and loads of bumps along the way.... razor cuts nearly as bad as a paper cut!

  11. Wellll ya know, once I put my fingers in the crack of the door when my Mom was closing it. I didn't know it would hurt so bad. How do you think a pill splitter splits pills?
    I am sorry you cut yourself.

    When you're crabby it reminds me of me.

  12. Trudy, Trinidad12:58 AM

    Step on the scales girl! Let's see how ya doing! Bet you've lost more that you think.

  13. I married a mechanic so I wouldn't have to worry about changing a tire ;)


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