Saturday, January 28, 2012


But, we don't do it enough... I got to see our youngest Granddaughter the other night via Skype.
She has grown so much!

ABOVE:  Sienna and her Mum and Dad.  The Dad is our eldest son Russell.... Mum is Tess.  Sienna has a big sister named Haylea too.  The photos are utter crap quality, they were 'grabbed' off our Skype video conversation, and I can't 'tidy' them up.  Oh well... I live in hope of them sending me some really nice photos one day!

ABOVE:  found this good one on their Facebook page... Sienna looks an awful lot like my daughter Kelly as a baby!

TODAY:   Stew is taking the kids to the movies this morning... and I am staying home to enjoy the peace and quiet for a wee while!

Later on today Steve's girlfriend Bec is arriving to spend the weekend. Oooohhh,  staying at the 'in laws' place.... hope the kids we don't drive her

Suppose I better think about doing something nice for dinner too.... can't have her thinking I can't cook eh?  *smiles*


ABOVE:  Finally, the terrarium is ready!  Now we just wait a couple more days then get us a frog and tadpoles.

I've just been out and bought the water plants, and some apricots.
Hmmmm... apricots.  Now I wonder what I'm going to do with those?  lol

ABOVE:  How the hell have I lived for 53 years and not bought one of these before?  It's awesome.  


ABOVE:  Apricot jam... DONE.  When you have to buy the fruit it is really no cheaper than buying it... but you have the 'satisfaction' of having made it.  
I'm done making jam for now.... 
Stew is taking the kids to the park, and I'm staying back to wash the floors now.
Don't envy me now will ya!  lol

End of Day:  well it's been a VERY productive day... totally becoming a DOMESTIC GODDESS... lol!
ON TRACK:  yeah, but feel like I am about to break out...
nite nite.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Skype is a wonderful thing. I have all the stuff to skype - I just haven't...not sure why. Sienna sure is cute!! ...debbie

  2. What a cutie! I need to get a mike for my desktop so I can sype.

  3. I have seent hose around and wondered about them - good aye!Might investigte more next time I see one
    Have a great day
    THe jam jars look pretty

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Your starting to be a farm girl! Making jam, got a stable door, raising frogs (please look after them!) haha! WOMBAT

  5. Your jam looks so cute... well the jars do! Am sure the jam tastes fab!

  6. Pat, Idaho, USA3:51 AM

    Break out into what? Spots?, the bank? the diet?
    Hang on in there girl, we all have a long way to go before we can get back into our black little number :)

  7. O man that little , Sienna has grown & she is so lovely.

    When you said you had lived for 53 years & not bought one of those. -LOL - I bought one Twenty years ago & had never used it - up until this month when DH spied it & wanted to check it out & he loved it too. Would you believe after he had played with it for a week & the handle broke off of it - It now has a nice stought Wrench handle. LOL


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