Saturday, January 21, 2012


Right... I'm just going to go straight into photos from yesterday:

ABOVE:  us at Huka Falls, just before reaching Taupo.

ABOVE: Me and Sharon at Huka Falls.... she met us there as she wanted to show me something...

ABOVE:  this picture was what she wanted to show me.... it was her's and she wanted to give it to me!  I was like... YES THANK YOU! ... it's GORGEOUS!  We will pick it up from her on our way home on Tuesday.   What a lovely gift ... and clearly she knows me TOO WELL!   I adore that picture... kids, water and BLUE!

ABOVE: last photo... about to go over the new bridge on the new by-pass at Taupo.

TODAY:  well ... going to meet my girlfriends at The Coffee Club in Palmerston North at 10 am.  Anyone who wants to join us (Janine, Janene, Mary H)... you are welcome!

Morning Tea with the girls was just lovely, we managed to kill a couple of hours easily.
There was Chris D, Sandra C, Janine H and myself, so a nice number around the table.

 ABOVE: Janine and I...

ABOVE:  The 'original' three... Myself, Chris D and Sandra C.

ABOVE:  while out and about today, I managed to find a really good sized sun dome shelter thingee for the beach.  I struggled to figure it out (top), so Stew had to step in and erect it.  Sandra pushing a peg in above.

ABOVE: also found this nautical themed clock... slightly shop damaged ... so $20 off.  Score.

ABOVE:  look at all the goodies Janine H gave us while we were at morning tea!  Totally cool stuff... THANKS so much Janine.

We are expecting Chris D, Mike and his girlfriend Joyce for dinner, so I better go and make sure it's ready!   I bought salad stuff and cold meats ... so it's pretty much sorted already.

End of Day:  it's been a lovely day... so nice to catch up with everyone down here.  Shame I shall miss seeing Anne, Janene and Jenny though.
ON TRACK:  possibly  had too much dinner, but it was all good, healthy food, so not too bad.
nite nite.


  1. haha geez louise I said don't get the back of the travelling suitcase car!!!! eeeek I still can't get over how tall the kods have gotten will catch you on Tuesday...

  2. Bet you girls have a whale of a cach up. Enjoy it, they are a great bunch :)
    Have fun in Palm Nth we off now to do your trip in reverse :)
    Hugs :)

  3. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Pretty falls! How nice of yor friend to give you that photograph all framed and everything!! Hope you ALL HAVE A GREAT TRIP!...debbie

  4. Whoa, it's so pretty where you live. While I was looking at your pictures Ivy walked up and asked how you got there. I told her you live there and she said, "Did she get lost?" haha

  5. Beautiful pictures. Hope you all have a marvelous time.

  6. Chris, don't post this, but I was looking at your lovely photos, of you, and I think you would look even prettier with a small fringe. It would soften your face and cover your, um, forehead? No insult intended. I just think it would suit you.

    BTW, loving the photos. You take some very good ones! Enjoy the rest of your holiday xxx

  7. If I had thought about it, I could have planned a day trip to Palmy so I could have come for a cuppa with you all.... oh well maybe next time. Hope you have a fabulous time away. Oh love the picture too!!!

  8. Great photos....and just look at that water! Gorgeous. I would have had a hard time leaving there. :o)

    Glad you got to meet up with your friend, and what a great gift!



  9. awesome photos. have a great night catching up.

  10. You are all so pretty! And it looks so heavenly there in NZ. :)

  11. O Chris! The pictures are mind blowingly beautiful.I had to stop & wonder if you were "just pulling my leg" & that was a tapestry of the water behind you as it is so stunning!

    Get together with your friends - that is good for the soul! I could not help but notice the lovely necklaces you wore in the pictures! OF course I noticed the BLUE!!!!!!!!!! LOL

  12. It's sooo sooo beautiful there! Love the falls pictures!


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