Monday, December 19, 2011


Stew's stepmother passed away quietly last week, and her funeral is this afternoon.

ABOVE:  Nana Joan at her 90th birthday 2 years ago. The kids and I are going to catch a train into Greenlane to meet up with Stew, then we can all go to her funeral together.

Hopefully the weather holds and its not raining ... 

Apart from that I just want to do a last minute look around the shops for a few last minute things.  Christmas food mostly, chocolates, wine.... I am not leaving anything to the last minute.  

Also first thing this morning I have to cut Griffin's hair.  He looks like a sheep.  

AND before I forget:  My niece up in Whitianga has expressed disgust that she has not been mentioned on my blog for months, so I will just give you a  few photos of Sabrina Maxine:

ABOVE:  there ya go Max, some lovely photos of you!  Now you have a lovely Christmas, and we will see you at some point when we come up to see Joshua.  OK?   *smiles*

Would you believe it?  The trains are not running this week due to maintenance on the line!  so Stew is going to pick us up instead.  Drat, I was looking forward to taking the kids on the train too.  
OH well, at least it's a glorious day out there today with no hint of rain.

Back.... the funeral was small and intimate.  Very nice service and Griffin can attest to the food afterwards being very nice too. 

ABOVE: The church was gorgeous, with a very nice view of the Waitemata harbour.

After the funeral we stopped in at Botany to look at a new phone set for the house.  
AND yes, I did get a three phone set a while ago, but I hate it.  So I'm getting the set I wanted BEFORE Amanda and Steve talked me out of it.  Lesson learnt: go with what you want in the first place.

End of Day: watched the season finale of 'The Mentalist'... it was really worth watching.  Awesome ending.
nite nite.


  1. Gosh that's a good innings though 92 WOW, great photos I'm glad i don't say I'm not mentioned(cause I am at times) hate to think of the photos that might appear (slopes off to delete inappropriate ones!!! from www)haha Sunny skies here 5 degree start NOOOOOOOOOOOIIIICCCEEEE !

  2. LOL I'm sure she'll love all those pics :)

    Sorry to hear about Stew's step mom!

  3. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Sorry to hear about Stew's step-mom. May she rest in peace. The photo of her at her 90th Birthday is amazing! She looks far younger!
    Hope all goes well today at her funeral...debbie

  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Fine looking lady RIP Nana Joan
    Mary H

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Sorry to hear Stew's step-mum passing, 92 is a very respectable age to reach.

    You would think they would do train-line maintenance the week after Christmas not the week before when everyone is trying to get in and out of shops and malls to do their Christmas stuff - they tell us to use public transport to alleviate the pressure on the motorways and car parks and then go and close the train service... go figure huh!

  6. I am so sorry for your loss- she was a lovely lady. I have a friend who is 92 and I consider her inspirational!

    Trains not run because of maintence? LOL - I have never heard that one before. LOL

    Gosh - I am amazed at how much Sabrina looks like you! ( minus a few little ups and downs and creaks and turns. LOL Wonder if she will be pleased to know that you remembered her??????) LOL This is one photo session that she will probably never forget! LOL

  7. WOW - 92 is a great age! - My nana turns 90 in January - just got her license renewed for another two years as well!
    Bummer about the train - wish I had read earlier to warn you - I caught it this morning and arrived at work 1 1/2 late as someone had been hit whilst trying to cross the tracks at Middlemore (fatal), and they are also starting early on maintenance -apparently trains will be running funny till 19/1/12. Bus services I believe in there place - yuk!
    Gonna be taking the car to work till then.
    Anyways hope the funeral was a great celebration of her life.

  8. Sorry to hear about Stews step Mum.

    You have to wonder which twat decided the week before Christmas was the best time to upgrade the railway lines, at least you found out before you got to the train station as I believe it is pretty chaotic.

    Have a good evening.

  9. Someone died on the train tracks - that's probably why they called it "Maintenance". Out your way - there was a thing on the Xtra website this morning...

    Our school holidays start tomorrow and already I'm tearing my hair out - I think "crafts" may be in order otherwise I'll spend a fortune keeping her busy.

    Have a happy christmas if I don't find a moment to comment again.

    Kate (

  10. Just a random question when making bacon and egg pie can you freeze it? like large pies I have to make lasagne which im freezing, for a family, but they asked about freezing bacon and egg pie.

  11. What I found awful is when I tried to Google the train fatality story, I realised how many rail deaths there are in NZ - almost every second month? Blondie, re the bacon and egg pie, I've known people to do it (my mum etc) but wonder about the pastry, if it was frozen originally? I always thought you couldn't refreeze a previously frozen product? Of course, if you made the pastry from scratch it wouldn't be an issue. Any experienced advice welcome! Penny xo

    PS very sorry about the death of Stew's stepmother. I'm glad you found the funeral appropriate for her.

  12. Sorry for your family's loss - you have a great family - by the way!

  13. Sorry for your loss. Keep well.

  14. Dammit - I totally forgot aboutt he final of the Mentalist! Did they get RedJohn?? I guess I will have to Google it now... ;)


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