Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So, today I am going to give the 'photo on Tee-Shirt' a go.   I am sure I  have a couple of t-shirts already in the house that I can practise on....
If it works out right, I will pop out and buy some new ones to make Christmas gifts.
Quite exciting.  I hope I don't get too hooked on it.
I already do enough crafts/sewing ... I really don't need another passion!

Hmmmm... what else?  check costs for posting cards to Aussy...pop into the Hospice Shop to see how the renovation is going.... that could be fun!
Maybe the shop is open?  Sheesh, I might end up working today... hadn't thought of that.
So... we will see.

Because I really dislike having NO photos on me blog.... I give you these two :

ABOVE:  Stew would NEVER have to do this to me.  I'm not a 'yakkity yak' passenger... not at all!  

ABOVE:  Stable type doors.  I think they rock.  I would LOVE some in my house.  Even my Front Door would be awesome like that!   Imagine having the doors 'open' but know that the dogs/crawling baby could not get out!  AWESOME.  I can not find ANYWHERE that makes doors like that.  *sniff*


ABOVE:  SERIOUSLY!!!!... I went out for ONE tee-shirt, and spent $203.   I came home after that!  lol

Obviously I've been busy!  Did a t-shirt or two... it took longer than I thought it would.  But it was kinda fun.  I'll show you tomorrow how they look.

Dinner was roast pork and veges, very nice.
We all love roast pork.  

End of Day:  well a good, productive day. Glad it's almost over though.  I'm tired... got a bit of an headache too.  Can't seem to shift it... it comes and goes with the hot flushes.  It gets worse obviously during a hot flush.  So over this freakin' menopause.  Fingers crossed it is going to be over soon.  5 years and counting...
nite nite.


  1. try qds (quality doors and stairs) in palmy . they make interior and exterior doors :-) erica had doors like that in a house she use to have years ago they were cool.

  2. We used to have a stable door in our first house in England. We loved it!

  3. Think the belts so be reversed myself; LOVE the doors. Thanks for dropping by

  4. Okay, as much as I hate to do it I have to admit that the seat belt design cartoon made me laugh and perhaps my husband would like it too much.

  5. My auntie had a kauri door on an old villa made into a stable door thing IT was highly polished and had wrought hinges and a huge twirly wrought iron door handle it WAS AMAZING we loved it...

  6. I laughed at the seat belt but I'm not a yakkity yak passenger either! :) Whew. Safe.

    We had a stable door in our house many many (too many!) years ago when I was growing up. It seemed to have been a relic of old Public Housing construction back then.

  7. You are going to have a bucket load of
    t-shirts. I can't wait to see how they turn out. I bet they will be great.

  8. Those tee shirts tugged at your heart , didn't they. LOL

    I too , LOVE stable doors!

  9. The house I grew up in had "stable" doors, and the house my sister is renting has them. They are pure genius! Be good if you can get them.

    Yes, I met Khris. I had met her once before, and we've been facebook friends for a while. Her group of ladies is quite a wonderful group. I left my camera battery and charger there, so just may have to go back this Sunday (I was invited which I thought was lovely!)


  10. My church had that idea for doors but on the nursery for that reason. They took a regular door, cut it in half, put it back up as if it's a regular door but now swings in 2 spots. They have a lock for the top and bottom one. It's pretty cool.

  11. Anonymous9:32 PM

    When we first inspected our house before we bought it, the real estate agent said it had a "Mr. Ed door"! But whoever had the house before us, had joined it back together again! WOMBAT


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