Friday, November 25, 2011


I know this may sound weird, but I live in a country that is renowned for it's produce.... but when it comes to rump Steak.. You can't beat AUSTRALIAN!
ABOVE: That is just ONE Steak! I cooked two and cut them up and they fed all of us last night.  And I usually 'kill' steak... it comes out dry and rubbery... but no matter what I do, I can't kill this meat!
It always comes out beautifully, and so tasty!
I hate to give our closet neighbours credit for much... but their Beef is amazing.

Actually, I suppose I have to start really liking Australians now... my Mother lives there, and my Sister, and my eldest Son and his baby daughter, and some nieces live there too!   So many Kiwis cross the ditch and never come back.  *sniff*

Before I was plagued by hot flushes I used to dream of living there... where it was always warm and balmy.  Not any more though.  I hate being hot now.  With a vengeance.

TODAY:  I may just do some sewing...  but all I feel like doing is going back to bed!  I'm just so tired lately.  I don't know why.
Probably lack of sleep, lack of exercise, just compounding upon itself and getting worse.

AND BLOODY MOSQUITOES!  They are coming back now that summer is almost here.  I can't sleep if I hear a mosquito! Griffin and I are always eaten alive.

ABOVE: Last night we bought some things that release a puff of insect repellent into the air regularly.  Hopefully they help.

ABOVE:  Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it.

Thanks to a lovely friend in America (Happy Elf Mom) I have had a really GREAT morning!
I watched a little video she put on Facebook yesterday of her home... and I saw how she had her Paper Towels hanging on a hanger under one of her kitchen cupboards.... 
AND I thought "What a great idea".... so I spent three hours this morning looking for a paper towel holder that would attach UNDER a hanging cupboard.

I went to The Home Store in Sylvia Park... No luck there, but I did find this (which I really wanted):

ABOVE:  a dinky little thingee to hang the dishcloth on, inside the sink!  Neat, and it was on SALE.  Even better.

While in Sylvia Park I was browsing the jewellery stores (as ya do)... and saw the next really GREAT buy! :

ABOVE: really cool watches for Brylee and Griffin... for Christmas.  They have the NUMBERS on them, and the minutes too.... excellent for a kid like Griffin who really struggles to read the time.  I am really thrilled to have found them.

So, back to trying to find a paper towel holder... I went to The Home Store, Stevens, The Warehouse, Bunnings, Briscoes, and finally Payless Plastics, where I finally found just what I wanted!   I was about to give up after Payless Plastics, so I was really thrilled to find one.

ABOVE:  Taaa Daaa..... just have to attach it now.  
AND... I am going to reorganise some of the kitchen cupboards too... the corner cupboard where all the plastics and bowls go is driving me friggin nuts...

AND.... 4 hours later.... the kitchen cupboards have been tidied up, shit has been moved around... and I'm now knackered.
The family are going to have fun trying to find stuff now.   lol  

End of day:  a neat day today.  Got heaps done and felt good about it.
A nice evening too... watching telly, then bed.
nite nite.


  1. Looks YUMMY!
    The steak, that is!

  2. You put those in the house?

  3. Yummers! Hope you are having a great week! :)

  4. I use one of those Raid things all summer long. I have mine in the main living area and they really work. When I turn it off thinking it is not working, I am plagued with flies! The difference is you will still see a fly or whatever but with this they DIE!!

    The new ones out are even better, the Raid 24 hour ones. You can have them so they go for 12 hours then off - I don't need mine going at night, no mossies here. You must have some areas where you are that is breeding the mosquitos.

  5. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Is your son & family ok with the WA bushfires? They look horrendous
    Mary H

  6. Chris, my Dad is a rump steak man. If it is an consolation, I am feeling the same - no exercise and lack of sleep - doesn't make me happy. I have hot flushes in the morning, drives me crazy. Martine x

    PS: Cuddles to the doggies- Teddy and Coco

  7. Love the Vegetarian turkeys! LOL

    I have not used the Raid, but I used to use a product like that and it did work good. There is also a product that looks like a yellow slam of wax-can't remember the name of it right off the top of my head and it works like a charm - hang one to each room and NO mosquitoes for 3 months. O - the one I do have is called Hot Shot. Our garden stores carry them and I find them on Ebay most of the time.

  8. Where the heck do you get that steak from?? *drool*

  9. VERY nice paper towel holder!! Mine is just a plastic thing that came with the house... :)

  10. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Why thank you very much! We love our rump too since we live near the beef capital of Australia! We get a big thick piece from the butchers then smother it with lots of herbs, spices, sauces, and onions, tomatoes, mushroom, capsicum etc then wrap it in foil and bake it in the oven. NZ is more renowned for your lamb. And about you kiwis moving over here, you've probably heard that old joke, would the last person to leave New Zealand, please turn off the light! WOMBAT

  11. Anonymous3:17 PM

    You made me chuckle about the hanging paper towel rack. I thnk most of Americans have a paper towel hanger under the cabinets. They last for decades!! Your steak looks good. Here a cut of rump is in the form of a roast. Usually about 3-4 inches thick. Makes super gravy!! ...debbie

  12. Some of us Kiwis are chosen to move to Australia because there is a job to be done. We marry & breed with the Australians and eventualy breed them out. Then one day Australia will be called the mainland, with NZ being called the lower islands. New Zealanders are the ultimate 'terrorists'. We dont make threats or blow up stuff. We do it quietly and with love so no-one notices ;o)

  13. I would have thought any wall hanging paper towel holder would go under the cupboard? Dime a dozen here (except of course when you want one!).

    Looks good anyway, chook! Love the watches too, very swish!

  14. You really do find the niftiest gadgets!! started work at 8am this morning finished 10.30pm!!! tis been a VERY VERY long day TOMORROW I am sleeping in!!!

  15. Don't you know? everything is bigger in Australia! - No wait, that's Texas.
    That steak looks awesome, I need a good steak.

  16. Oh, I love steak, and after all the turkey I ate yesterday, that steak looks soooo good! :o) And congrats on getting some great gifts for Brylee and Griffin, AND some things for yourself (well, your home, anyway) as well. I would say you had a full day!



  17. Don't eat much red meat, but that looks yummy. Glad to hear all is well and your mood is looking up. Have a fun weekend.


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