Friday, June 17, 2011


I did some more 'tinkering' with that necklace I bought the other day:
 ABOVE: this is how it was when I bought it....

ABOVE: and this is it now.  I took off most of the stones and added more 'bling' to it... more blue and purple and crystals.  I love it! 

I'm wearing it on Saturday night... I want people to notice the *bling* and purple boots and NOT the chubby me!  I hate being fat again... HATE IT so much.  I lose all my social confidence and try to avoid running into old friends when I'm fat.
Saturday night will be a trial for me... I have thought about not going, inventing an excuse not to go.... but I know Stew really wants to go... so I will just have to suck it up and plaster a smile on me dial.  *sigh*

TODAY:  I'm taking the train to Middlemore Hospital to visit my little old neighbour Myra... hopefully I will find her ward in the daylight!

ABOVE:   a really funny joke... Steve found it and I just have to pass it on!


Slight change of plans... going to drive to Sylvia Park and get me some nails, then go to the hospital.  Have only ever had 'nails'  once in my life... want them again.  No drastic colours... just natural looking nails.

ABOVE: nails are done, and for about half the price I paid in Palmerston North! 
Decided to get me hair washed and trimmed while at Sylvia Park... asked how much? at Rodney Wayne... $81!  Ahhh NOPE... wandered down to Just Cuts and they did it for $32 and dried it for FREE.  Lovely people!

Then I drove to the hospital, found Ward 24 and visited Myra for a wee while, then my 'boss' friend Debs in Ward 35 and came home.
All up... out for 4.5 hours!   Tired ... gunna go put me feet up for a wee while before thinking about what to do for dinner.

OH and I can still type with the nails.. so that's good.

Been watching Drop Dead Diva on DVD... love it!  *sigh*... its now 6pm and I've not done anything about dinner... might just have to be baked beans on toast!  It's Friday night afterall... we always have an 'easy' dinner on Friday night!

End of Day:  dinner was Ok-ish.... fed the tribe anyway. nite nite.


  1. Love the necklace. Maybe even some MORE beads on the bottom I love it! Your eyes are so beautiful and you are a beautiful woman. Just relax and be yourself, forget about fat. We were not all meant to be Twiggy.
    I am just working on dressing what I am to the best I can and SMILING. We are alive, let's live.
    the joke made me laugh, I was so not expecting that.

  2. funniest thing I've heard in a good long while!

  3. Love the necklace, you are so telented.

    That joke is brilliant :-)

  4. You are right about the joke....really funny.
    I hope don your purple boots, your new necklace and your new nails and just go and have fun at the party.

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I like what you did to the necklace! love all the colors and the purple necklace beads! Well done! Your little neighbour has been in the hospital for a long while, Bless her Heart!! Have fun at the party! your so much fun, people like you for who you are Chris!!...debbie

  6. I love that parrot joke :)

  7. Awwww very pretty LaaLaa! See you on Saturday :-)
    And yes I agree with Happy Days, your personality and your "you" far outweighs any skinny up herself bitch, we love you cause your YOU! Not your clothes... but your jewellery sets you apart aswell and you ROCK in the department, plus your nails are looking amazing... you will have a great time!

  8. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Nice nails! Your necklace is very american indian looking. Have fun at the party. Who gives a rat's arse what other people think. Just charm the pants off them! Thats an oldy but a goody joke! Heard Jerry Lewis tell a version like it years ago. WOMBAT
    (Don't forget to post a photo of your party outfit!)

  9. I forgot to say I lovedthe purple boots BUT loved the shoes more!!!! and the necklace it is divine.


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