Friday, December 03, 2010


Card making is going on the back burner.... I have plenty made now.

So, today I will get back into making a few more Cute Bags... I have NONE left! 

The other thing I really must get around to doing soon is Christmas Present shopping!  I can't believe I have left it this late to even START!  I usually start getting presents really early in the year. 

Hell, I havn't even got the Christmas tree down from storeage yet either.
Maybe that is something I can do too... this weekend.

I had planned on doing the Pokeno Market this coming sunday too... but I'm not sure I have enough stock!  I have cards and a few of the smaller bags,  but that's it.   Is it worth doing I wonder?

ABOVE: finished this one, got about 6 more cut out ready to go.  Been quiet around here, just me and the dogs.

As for the market on sunday, think I will do it... I've got 6 bags like the one above, and can probably make at least 2-3 more before sunday.  And I do have lots of cards! 

Well... I will as long as it's not going to rain... like it's threatening to do right now!  I have just rushed outside to get in the washing.... sure looks like it's going to rain.  Which will be nice as it will cool the temps down a bit.

ABOVE:  2nd Animal Print bag done..... on a roll people! 
AND it didn't rain afterall... pffffffft.

ABOVE:  the next one, this one is a 'Bitty Bag' cos it's much smaller... but oh so cute!  *smiles*

Off to have dinner now, I've made beef and vege pies....oooo yum!

End of Day:  spent the evening making bags.... so the total today was 5 bags! Not bad eh?  nite nite.


  1. You could always take a few bag examples and photos and take orders with a deposit or something for the markets, so people can pre-order if they want.

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    That's a great idea Hippygal!! Take what you have and take orders...perfect answer!!...debbie

  3. Hippygal has a good idea there-the samples.
    And to answer your question-we moved a year and a half ago...and we only stayed up here because we had sold the other place and needed to get out quick...and this was available-but we are sick, sick, sick of the rain. ;-0

  4. I agree with Hippygal, also you could do your Christmas shopping.

  5. Also if you take photos of the bags already made and have them in a little photo flip thingy people can see what else you have done eh! I would wait until you have a decent amount of stock, personally but whatever works for you.

  6. Those bags are the cutest things! I so want to try my hand at making them but hopeless at sewing. Gorgeous work...

  7. I agree with the others about taking orders. Maybe take a few swatches of fabrics or some photos so people know what colour schemes they can order.

    I love the latest bag - its very cute :)

  8. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Lookin good!! Geesh... you never cease to amaze me with your talent. Awesome...

    Kate (

  9. Wow, have you sold all your big bags Chris. Fantastic. I'm sure you've got other stuff to sell on the stall. Do kids need to offload some toys and make pocket money? Anything sells, especially this time of year.

  10. I always wait till Dec 24th to do my shopping. You've got plenty of time!
    5 bags in one night is a lot. You need a helper.

  11. PS the beef and veggie pies sound good! How about posting a recipe?

  12. i love the fabric that you used on the cute!

  13. Those bags are so cute and I too think you should take orders.

  14. those purses are very cute.


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