Friday, October 08, 2010


Yaaa it's Friday. 
I am still coughing... AND I KNOW I SHOULD GO TO THE DOCTOR... yeah I know... but I keep thinking.. it's getting better.
AND what can the Doc do about a freaking cough anyway?

Last time I had a cough like this it lasted for weeks on end... and the Dr couldn't do jack-shit about it then... so why waste money going to see him when I KNOW he can't do anything?

*sniff*.... at least I don't have to suffer in silence eh?   Cos you are all out there having to listen to me bitch and moan.   nah nah na na!

TODAY?  Dunno.   Usual shit I suppose.  Housework, sewing, trying not to throttle the kids.... all totally normal stuff.


It is a glorious day here today... so I am going to take the kids to the playground at school.  They can play for an hour or so and I shall think about how I'm going to make the placemats to match my new table runner!   Or sommit like that.  .....
ABOVE: back from the playground and had lunch.  Just chilling this afternoon... thinking of doing some block patterns for the placemats... all different.

As a parent, you never stop worrying about your kids... they are often on your mind.  But... do they think of you?  Sometimes I really wonder about that.... cos I virtually NEVER get a phone call from my kids... I have been quite sick these school holidays... and not ONE of them has rung to see how I am feeling.  NOT ONE.  I think that sucks.  I am feeling really let down. 
Thank God I have Stew!  And all you out in 'cyberspace' who do care.  THANK YOU.

And what brought that little rant on?  One of my kids ... who is shitty with me.  Why do they think I have NO FEELINGS???

ABOVE:  the first block (Broken Wheel Variation)...  I added black to the ends to make it long enough to be a placemat.  How come no matter how meticulously I follow the instructions I end up chopping off the ends of triangles at the sides?  It totally pisses me off.

End of Day:  and Stew (bless him) came home with Chinese takeaways... ooo it was so yum too.  NOT so yum when I coughed and vomited it all up again half an hour later.   Grrrr.. now I am thinking maybe, just maybe I should have gone to the Dr's!   But of course now we are heading into a weekend and I am not going on the weekend and paying through the nose for a prescription for some cough syrup.  Might go to the chemist and see what they have... though from memory most of that crap doesn't work either. 
So, quiet evening in... going to indulge in some plonk soon... nite nite.  Anyone got a lemon?  I have the plonk and honey!  lol


  1. I've recently had the coughy/coldy/fluey thing and 7 weeks on I'm still coughing. It's costing a fortune in panty liners!!

  2. Save your money, honey. Going to the doc will be a waste of time, plus you will have to put up with all those sick people in the waiting room! You will get better in your own good time.

  3. I'm like that about coughs, too. I figure what is the point in going when they can't do anything. Hope you are feeling better.

    It is so odd to me to come over here and see that it is already Friday for you when I'm not even halfway done with Thursday. For a second I thought I missed my mother's birthday.

  4. Friday?!!!!

    Most of the blogs I visit are based in the US which puts them in a time zone behind me (UK). As far as I know, you are the only blogger I follow that is ahead of me :)

    Needless to say, your post title caught me off-guard. I thought I'd been drinking again... :p

  5. Chris drink hot lemonade or lemon juice in water it will help. Hope you are not coughing toooooo long. My day is a what shall I do day? I cannot get me head around anything.
    Get better girl.

  6. I picked up a cough on the plane home from Austria this summer. It lasted about 6-8 weeks. Of course it was worse in the middle of the night, but it also made talking a bit difficult. The minute I started to talk, I started to cough. Hope it goes away soon.

  7. ugh I hate that agonizing cough. I get that at least once a year and usually end up going for antibiodics because I have bronchitis.

  8. Well, I rekkon you can't suffer in silence because you'll be making so much noise coughing!
    I recommend plenty of hot tea, vitamin C, keep warm and rest.
    I love it that it's Friday there, it's still Thursday afternoon here!

  9. Does the liquor store there have Southern Comfort? Try 1 part Southern Comfort, 1 part Honey, and just a little lemon juice. Stir well and repeat as necessary!

  10. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Haha! Love Marks Southern comfort remedy! Beats the old hot water/lemon/honey version! Now I want to get sick so I can try it! WOMBAT

  11. Anonymous11:06 AM

    PS I will try it with Bundy rum instead of Southern comfort! Got a full bottle thats been sitting here for about 7 years! WOMBAT

  12. Hope you get better soon Chris!

  13. Hope you get better soon Chris!

  14. I agree that a little nip might help calm that cough, or at least help you not care about it for a while. haha

  15. I'm laughing at Natalie's comment!!! LOL

    hope the cough goes away soon! :)

  16. I hope the cough lets up soon, I also hope the kids let up soon :-)

    At least the younger ones are back to school on Monday so some semblence of normality will prevail - bugger having to get up on time again though.

  17. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Christ I always ring Mum if she is sick or whatever Got to look after the inheritance!
    I end up getting the cough mixture out (Benadyl)for the night coughs yuck If it doesn't stop the coughs it sure as hell shakes up the throat. And I drink heaps of water with fresh lemons squeezed in yum. But rest & sleep is best not easy I know when you have drunk heaps and end up wanting to go to the toilet all night
    Mary H

  18. Anonymous3:01 PM

    oh dear. hope you get better soon. A contractor we work with had a cough which has turned in to pneumonia, so take care of yourself! Lots of fluids {as per the above - although maybe not too much southern/bundy :0)}, keep warm & rest up!!!!

  19. Bloody insensitive families... Try not to let it get you down Chris. Put your feet up tonight, order a take away for dinner and just relax. Feel better soon!

  20. Southern Comfort is sweet and syrupy. Buy a teeny bottle and try it. You'll want a bigger bottle!

  21. Children never seem to grow out of being egocentric when it comes to their parents.. sorry love..

    Hope that cough naffs off .. and I had a lovely little giggle at your two *shit/s* in your post for some reason it set me off laughing !!

    Take care..!!

  22. OR black russians with cough syrup? that will knock ya on your arse and the cough will be forgotten for the night Meh I have no family NONE (whom support me so my phone only rings from FRIENDS! and thats how I like it)

  23. I think I have what you do Chris, its such a pain tho every night for the last TWO weeks I wake up coughing.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    I hope you get s few calls tonight asking how you are.

  24. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Triangles??? Can't figure out where you mean...

    Like my mum says, a blind man would be pleased to see it!!!

    Have a good weekend... am psyching myself up for Chipmunks in the morning for a 5 year old party!

    Kate (

  25. know what ya mean about kids thinking of you

  26. Love that placemat.

    I do hope you feel brighter soon and have a great weekend.

  27. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Oooh definitely get Duro Tuss (I think that's it) and it has the green lid - there are lots.

    That one is like paint stripper (and pretty much tastes similar) but BOY - gets everything up and out and stops the cough.

    There is a herbal one but I can't remember the friggin name of it (always the way when you NEED it) but try the duro tuss....

    Catch ya!

    Kate (

  28. I hope that cough sorts itself out soon and you are feeling better.

  29. The flu I had in winter hung on for 7 weeks but my sister and many other people I know have whooping cough. It is running rampant here is Australia. The Dr would prob want to test you for that given the coughing and vomiting business. My sister would fully wet her pants every time a coughing fit happened.
    Hope you fam calls soon:)

  30. Enjoy your weekend. Hope you get rid of the cough. Take care.

  31. Not good, Chris! I am so sorry that a. you feel horrible and b. your kiddos aren't calling and asking after you.

    Your bloggie friends love you and hope you are better soon!

  32. WOw, you have quite the cough.. I feel for you. Have a hot toddy, and just rest Chris. The doctor could give you antibiotics.I know...I hate doctors too.


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