Sunday, August 08, 2010


The weather here is just awful.

I am getting a bit tired of the rain we are having... it has been wet for almost a whole week now, maybe even longer... I have had to use the darn clothes dryer even!

And I hate having to use that thing... it costs so much to run... grrrrr.

Today: well Stew is having a sleep in, the kids are happily playing with Lego on the dining room table, and I am doing friggin housework. Yaaaa.
Probably later on in the morning we will go out to a mall ... just to get out of the house for a while. I am sure I will find SOMETHING interesting to blabber on about later .... so...

ABOVE: a sample of the 'Thank You' cards I made last night... what do you think of them? I love them... but I almost always do love the cards I make.. I'm biased that way ! ha ha ha!
SUE: what do YOU think? (yaaa, she loves them!)

... the sun has come out (probably won't last long) and Stew is finally outta bed... we are going out for lunch... think Albany Mall today.. which is on the North Shore (Auckland)... I hope to stop in at Milford too... there's a Stamp Shop there I want to visit. (if it's open)

Back from our outing... went to Milford, got my stamps... then we almost decided to stay in Milford for lunch.... but then decided we would rather go to Albany Mall as planned.

Funny how you are MEANT to be in the right place at the right time eh? We walked into the Mall and the first thing I saw was an AMAZING painting on the wall of a shop we had to pass.... and it just drew me to it... I fell in love... looked at the price and felt like crying.

It was really EXPENSIVE... so sadly I walked away... but on a whim I thought I would show Stew ... and he bought it! Awwww what a man!!!
I would show you all it... but it was too big to get in Stew's car... so I shall have to wait until my Highlander is back home before I can pick it up and bring it home.

IT'S GORGEOUS.... I can't believe my luck.. that shop has NEVER had one like it before... and it's MINE!
WOMBAT: yes, the cards are a Thank You to Sue's helpers, who are doing a Walk For Breast Cancer.
End of Day: and it's been a neat day, I have almost finished the dozen Thank You cards.. moving on to a couple of other orders now... nite nite.


  1. hope Griffin and Stew enjoyed the rugby and didnt get to wet...miserable here too a good day for a duvet day but with a 4 yr old that wont be the case hehehe

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The cards are beautiful!! so cute! Nice that the kids were quiet so dad could sleep in. We had a thunderstorm yesterday and it blew a tree down in my daughters yard!...debbie

  3. Heaps of rain here in Christchurch today too, if that's any consolation. I'm just trying to motivate myself to either get on with a major clean up, housework etc, or go out and do a few errands - neither are very enticing at the present!!

    The cards looks great - you are very talented Chris :)

  4. I think they are PERFECT!

  5. Love, love those Thank-you cards. They are so pretty not to mention original.

    I've hung out washing. Will it dry outside? ... I don't know.

    I'm catching up with all my 100s of blog posts at last. I love it but it does take time I should be doing something else with.

  6. Amanda10:30 AM

    I think the thank you cards are cool. love joel.

  7. Stunning cards! Love them!

  8. Wow! The thank you cards are fabulous. What a wonderful card to send with a note of thanks-- the receiver should feel VERY special!
    Great job!!!

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Those cards are so beautiful that the receiver will have to give the sender a thank you card for giving them such a beautiful thank you card!(Did you get all that?)Are the cards for something to do with breast cancer because I noticed the pink ribbon on them? WOMBAT

  10. Those cards are so stinkin' pretty, Chris. You do an amazing job. We really need some rain over here, so send it on it's way to us!

    I can't wait to see you new painting! Are ya gonna give us any hints as to what it might be?



  11. The cards are beautiful! :)

    I can't wait to see the painting you bought~exciting! :)

  12. love these cards they r goergeous

  13. Oh Chris, the cards are beautiful. I'm sure you put far more into them materials and time, than you get back. You are a wonderful lady and you deserve to have treats.. ie the painting... is it blue.. of the sea... ???

  14. Like everyone else the cards are truly beautiful even though I am not a pink person they are very very pretty.... I DROVE in CONTINUOUS heavy rain yesterday from 7am until 5pm WHAT A DAY!!!!!! (and stood out in it too)

  15. Gorgeous, gorgeous cards - is there anything you're not talented in? lol

    Can't wait to see the painting, you are a spoilt tart aren't ya?

  16. Nice card... have another collection?


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