Thursday, August 19, 2010

OUT.... ABOUT... BUSY...

- up at 5.30 and off to the airport to pick up Chris D who is on her way home from England.

- Home... kids to school... 'relax' for 1.5 hours then...

- Pick up Griffin, drive him to his SPELD teacher... drive 40 mins back to airport so Chris D can catch her final flight back to Palmerston North... then...

- Hurry back to Karaka to pick up Griffin and deliver him back to school....

THEN take a deep breath and come home!

After the kids are home I have to go to the post office to post some cards... and the duck I forgot to post on Monday (derrr)... and come home again, to prepare dinner!


ABOVE: The bitch is back! Hogging me dogs! Pffffffft! Apparently she had a wonderful time... I am so happy for her. Now she can go home and fuss over her own bloody dog! lol
Seriously, she has had a lovely trip, but is glad to be home again. It is always neat to see her too. She just said (over my shoulder) 'awww sucky sucky! Nice woman that.
Hello! I have had my nap... it's 4.34 in the afternoon and I just woke up! The kids are home... I didn't hear them come home... they must have crept in! They are in the lounge watching Sponge Bob Square Pants... lol!
I am going to go and thank them for being so quiet.... lovely kids they are ... (well, most of the time anyway). *smiles*
End of Day: and I can hardly keep my eyes open... am going to bed super early tonight... like 9pm!
nite nite


  1. Wow, busy day and a lot of driving. Maybe you should get a taxi light for the roof of your car :p

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    You do live a very busy life!! I just noticed you have your cards in 2 different stores!!! How Great!!...debbie

  3. AHHHHHH those dogs of yours are adorable

  4. Busy Busy Busy remember to drink water (i know hydrate), and eat or take loads of snacks so you don't get a headache. Drive safely all around Auckland probably see you on the news WOMAN drives break neck speeds all over Auckland (the police cameras will be like wasn't she just in Karaka?)

  5. It is really nice you got to catch up with Chris D, even if it was only for a wee while.

  6. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Great minds think alike! I just saw the bowl you bought yesterday and I have a plate and a bigger bowl of the same pattern! They are covered in those 'bubbles'.And got them at charity shops too! Shame those booties don't come in adult sizes! WOMBAT

  7. So glad you had a good visit! Lot of driving though...


  8. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Hi Chris, Did you receive my email re selling your cards in Melbourne Aus.

    Maggie (Aus)

  9. 349994
    I want to be your half a millionth visitor!

  10. The dogs look pretty happy with the attention they are getting.
    Busy day you had....sounds like you need to put your feet up for a bit.

  11. YOU ARE AMAZING! Not sure if you read mine or not but I had two weeks like your one day......which I think every day is like that for you.....SIMPLY AMAZING!!!! YOU ARE!!!! Would you send me a post card? My little class would love that...coming from sooooo far away? Please slow down a little if you can and take care of you...♥

  12. Busy indeed! Glad the kids were kind to you.


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