Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Preperation time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 1hr 10 mins

185 g (6 oz) butter, chopped
1 cup (350g/11 oz) golden syrup
3/4 cup...(140g/4 1/2oz) lightly packed soft brown sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 1/2 cups (185g, 6 oz) plain flour
3/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 Tblsp ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon mixed spice
2 Tblspn finely chopped glace ginger

Ginger Icing:
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
1 Tblsp milk
2 Tblsp golden syrup
30 g (1 oz) butter, softened
1 1/2 Tblsp finely chopped glace ginger

Preheat oven to 160C or 315F, Gas 2-3... Line a lightly greased 9 inch square shallow baking tin with non-stick baking paper, over-hanging two opposite sides.
Combine butter, golden syrup, sugar and 3/4 cup of water in a pan and stir over gentle heat until butter melts and sugar dissolves.
Remove from heat and let cool a bit, then add the beaten egg, mix well.
Sift the flour, soda and spices, add to mixture and beat well to remove any lumps. Stir in the glaze ginger, pour into the tin. Bake for about an hour .. or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Cool in the tin for 5 mins then turn out onto a wire rack.

Icing: beat icing sugar, milk, golden syrup and butter together. spread over the cold gingerbread cake and sprinkle with glace ginger.
When cutting a sticky cake like this use a hot, wet knife for best results.

This cake will add 10 pounds OVERNIGHT. But it's delicious!.. and freakin easy to make. If you love ginger.. you will love this cake!

TODAY: I am going to sew... and make a couple of cards.... and just stay at home I think. But then again... I might go out too! There's a few bits and bobs I need to get for the baby quilts....

dum dee dooooo......
Well.. I went out... registered Coco finally... and got a few things...
ABOVE: see these.... I just could not resist them... they go from that...
To this ... QUITE NEAT. I think I will use them for storage of stuff in the wardrobes. Maybe.
I also got the fabric I needed to do the next block... of Noah's Ark itself. Off to do it right now!
Tracy: I got the above boxes at Storage Box, (formerly known as Plastic Box) in Takanini. They have a webpage http://www.storagebox.co.nz/ which funnily enough has a picture of the boxes on the top! They were not expensive either @ $9, which is a good price for such a neat box. Apparently they are getting lots more in soon in differing sizes too.
And so much for sewing! I've been on the phone with me Mum for ages... which was nice. Been cranky with her of late, think we have ironed out a few things. Hopefully.
End of Day: Stew forgot to let me know he was gunna be late home after work... he's in the bad books now. Friggin man. pfffft. Hope his dinner has turned to rubber in the microwave. No really... I do. When he's really late home I worry and worry... and imagine all sorts of dreadful things have happened to him. Grrrrrrr. nite nite.


  1. I LOOOOVE ginger! That sounds double delish and it's just as well you didn't post a pic or I would have been a gonner.

  2. That sounds so good! can you make me some? If you ship it to me i promise you i'll eat it....

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Thanks for the yummy recipe! You are so funny Chris!! lol...debbie

  4. I baked some Ginger Crunch and thought you the other day:-) Turned out very yummy!

  5. YUMMM!!! I'm gonna make that tonight!!! *drool*

  6. I'm not looking. I'm not going to read.

    I'm definitely not going to make.

    Enjoy your cards.

    It's really cold today. My knees ache.

  7. i am not a huge ginger fan but man that sounds so delish!!!!!!

  8. I need this recipe like a hole in the head, but I'm gunna make it it sounds so delish!!!

  9. Hello GINGER HIPS!!!!! why oh why did I look.... (I am now not looking) ...

  10. When do you have time to do it all? I want a bottle of that stuff(your energy!) When you decide to market that stuff you will definitely become rich.! :)

  11. I love the cake reciepe BUT I will never make it.. would result in me eating the whole cake !! I love GINGER especially dark chocolate coated ginger mmmm num numm.. Thank you for comment on me blog, its nice to know you are not alone when things like this happen.
    Slowly getting there, the maingrain I have had for the past few days is giving me hell as well.

  12. I felt my waist expand just reading the recipe - YUMMM.

    Enjoy your day.

  13. Where did you get the storage boxes, I have been looking for some collapsable ones to keep in the car for when I do the shopping. We used to have plastic ones that the kids toys were kept in but I can't find them anymore.

  14. 51 and still giving your mom attitude lol

  15. Chris-

    I am completely with you about husbands being late and not letting you know. My mind runs away with my whenever Hubby is late too!

  16. Those boxes look really neat!

    With you on the mum stuff, glad you might have ironed some things out.

    PS, Chris I'm off your way to NZ! :D x

  17. Oh my gosh, that cake sounds so good...I think I gained 10 pounds just thinking about it!




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