Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Right, I have been a tease long enough! Here is the new painting:
ABOVE: Family Room wall before ....

ABOVE: And after!

ABOVE: another view.... we had to take out the large corner TV Cabinet and replace it with a small one we had in the lounge, which I was using as a coffee table in the corner!

ABOVE: a close up.... now shells might not float YOUR boat... but to me this painting was just irresistable! My sort of colours too... it just had to be mine!

Today: well much as I'd like to just stay home and stare at the painting... I am going to work at the Hospice Shop again till lunchtime... they are short staffed and I don't mind helping them out. It's for a very good cause.


Home again.... not very busy in the shop today.... and I didn't buy a thing!

Came home, had lunch and did some housework... all riveting stuff !

Kids are due home soon... not much else to blabber on about so I'll go and get something out of the freezer for dinner I suppose!

End of Day: spent the evening making Kiwi Cards again. Only got 5 done... need to get to bed now... it's almost 11pm. nite nite.

P.S. : going to devote tomorrow afternoon to blog reading... 'see' you then... LOL.


  1. The pic you had up before was pretty, but this one fits the wall better. :)

  2. That is so cool, Chris, and so you! I just knew it had to be shells of some sort! :o)



  3. It's gorgeous Chris, and the colours work really well in your room.

  4. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nice painting very you HOW long with rearranging did it take OH at this rate you may need a new house !! to house all your paintings and crafts!!

  5. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Painting is lovely. It looks like a giant version of the shell fabric you got hte other day. So much for my guess of cake and lollies! WOMBAT

  6. Beach baby!

    You just had to get it into your home.

    I love it.

  7. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Oooh its very very groovy - liking it!! Little bit jealous, but liking it...

    Very nice indeedie.

    Kate (

  8. Very nice - still like the idea of a picture of a giant vanilla slice but not sure it would help the dieting at the moment!!!

    I like it!!!!!

  9. Thank goodness you told us what it is...the suspense was killing me:)
    It is beautiful and suits you perfectly.
    I did love your corner television unit as well, I hope you can find another corner for it!

  10. Painting is nice, would look better if it was straight, left hand side is lower you muppet.

  11. Anonymous12:21 PM

    That picture is AMAZING!!!! I love it so much and it makes the whole room look so different. It looks so much brighter and cheerful and God, I want to go to the beach right now. I love shell, sea glass, sea stones, but I have never seen anything like that before. I'm so glad you got it, it belongs there. GREAT choice and it will bring you so much happiness. When the stress comes, stare at the shells. Love it.

  12. LOVE the painting.

  13. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I couldn't wait till I got home tonight but I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT HAD TO HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH SEA hehe IT'S AWESOME.. It is so YOU Chris. Karen from Welly at work!!

  14. Hey, I almost go it right! I said "shell" not shells! It's beautiful, isn't it? No wonder Stew bought it. Very pretty!

  15. Hi,
    The picture looks great, it makes me want to organise my house with more pictures!

  16. Haven't commented for awhile but have been reading. LOVE the picture! It is awesome!!

  17. The new picture is stunning Chris - I love the colours and shapes.

  18. What a lovely picture! I think it was well worth it to purchase it and then wait to pick it up. It was even worth moving the furniture around!

  19. That picture is you to a "T". I can understand why you had to have it. Enjoy.

  20. The painting looks great but I would lower it about a foot, (that's American for inches)

  21. I love the new painting!

  22. That painting is just beautiful! I really like it, it really suits the room too.


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