Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I have to get better at TIME SHARING... my time that is!
2 hours blogging/reading/commenting.
1 & 1/2 hours housework.
Rest of time cardmaking/sewing.
Sounds good to me... just have to put it into practise now.
ABOVE: some of the Heart Cards... do we like? Ha ha... I'm sure we do.... so with that... I'm off to make the lunches, get the kids to school... then start reading/commenting on some blogs...
Well.. it's working. I've done the blog thing, I've done the friggin housework, I've made 7 Kiwi Cards...and now it's like....1.30 pm and I am STARVING! Need food.... off to feed me face before I get the shakes.
So far today.. I've made 11 Kiwi Cards, hope to get at least 4 more done before bedtime. Dinner is in the oven, a roast leg of lamb roasted in Thick Mint Sauce and Onions... oooo the smell coming from that oven is to die for.
JENNY: Put the meat in a roasting dish, add onions and any other vege you want (potatoes, carrots etc) add 1 and 1/2 bottles of WHITLOCKS Homestyle Thick Mint Sauce, a bit of water, and a sprinkle of Garlic Salt on the top. Slow bake for at least 2 hours, depending on the size on your roast. Thicken the remaining liquid with cornflour mixed with water. DONE. You can also do this with Lamb Chops, Mutton Chops, Hocks etc.
End of Day: I have now made 17 Kiwi Cards today! And there is only ONE that I think is not so nice. Not bad for a day's work. I think I am 'working' for about $1 an hour though!!! Luckily I'm not doing this for the money! I just love doing it, and being arty-farty!
nite nite.


  1. You are amazing, all those cards and all different.
    Good luck withthe planning. I try to do that, then get stuck in one activity lol

  2. yes those are nice very nice!!

  3. Once again - what a talent:-)

  4. I think crafts are a time worthy endeavor. Since the house never stays clean for long with kids and dogs -- carding vs cleaning.... carding wins.

  5. A couple of things I want to say. First I LOVE that blue jug of yours. I want one. And I think its fantastic that you've got another outlet for your cards. The entreprenur in me loves it. You can grow it to what ever size you feel comfortable handling. You are extremely talented and clever.

  6. I have the same problem with time. That's why I don't comment as often as I use to. The little one takes too much of my time.

  7. i love those cards... I am a scrapbooker myself. You are very creative. I just found your blog and am looking forward to continuing to read your journey. *Maria*-Blogger from "This one time at Band Camp..." Check out my blog at mybigfatbandgeeklife.blogspot.com

  8. Chris, can you give that recipe again for the lamb roast. I've forgotten how.

    Those cards are just gorgeous :) You'll be making them in your sleep soon. :)

  9. Yum youm that lamb recipe sounds good. Glad to see you survived the school break. If only we had more hours in the day! You are one busy and talented lady.

  10. The hearts are great! I am sure they will sell like hotcakes.

    I think your new time-management plan sounds good. Good luck with it.

  11. Your heart cards are getting more and more fabulous. I'm a heart person myself.

  12. I have never heard of Whitlocks homestyle thick Mint sauce. maybe it's just over there? Is there another way to do it?


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