Saturday, July 17, 2010


ABOVE : Whitianga beach this morning... it's not raining right now! But it's going to soon!

We are in Whitianga until lunchtime, then we have to hot-foot it home so we can pick up the dogs before 5pm!

If we don't get home by then they will charge us another full day for both dogs... another $54! No thank you!

Hopefully there is not too much traffic... it's almost the end of the school holidays, so the roads could be very congested. Yaaaa.

IT'S NEARLY END OF SCHOOL HOLIDAYS! I am thrilled about that. I love my kids, but they DO NOT come with a volume control, or a MUTE button... DAMMIT!

Monday I go back to Patchwork Class too... which I have really missed.

ONWARD.... When I get home I will update on how our two days away went, maybe with some photos?

Well... DO I HAVE NEWS! We arrived here yesterday at lunchtime, and I went into my favourite gift shop ... saw a gorgeous blue jug and just had to buy it... so mozzied up to the counter... and started yakking to the owner about her lovely shop (she was a new owner) and I saw her gift cards.... I couldn't help myself and said I made really lovely gift cards too.

Well... she asked if I had any for her to look at... and LUCKILY I had some in the car!
Stew went out and got them and I put all that I had brought out on the counter... AND SHE BOUGHT THE LOT! 24 wee gift cards, 3 medium Kiwi Cards and 5 of the Big Kiwi Cards... and she gave me an awesome price for them... more than the shop in Manukau!

She went on and on about how gorgeous they were.. how I was an amazing ARTIST ... oh my God she went ON AND ON ... and she said if they sold well she would give me even more money for them.

ABOVE: MOSAIC, the shop in Whitianga where you can now also buy my Cards!!!

I thought that was it... but while we were talking a lady came into the shop and saw my cards.... and before I had even been paid for them she up and bought one! We were gobsmacked... the owner said she wanted 300 more cards before Christmas! I am in shock... and delighted too.
So... after that we picked up Joshua and took him back to the motel where we were staying... Then Stew took the kids to the movies and I enjoyed some peace and quiet on my own.... until the phone rang 2 hours later.

It was the lady at the shop... she had sold 14 more CARDS!!! and could I possibly do more of the bigger cards within the week? HOLY HELL!!! It looks like patchwork is going to take a back seat for a while!

ABOVE: the view from our Motel ... yep... it's raining and freezing! So glad I had an electric blanket on our bed! Brrrrrrrr.
As I sit here... Stew is at the park with Brylee, Griffin and Joshua... and I am going to join them in a minute. Then we will have lunch with Josh and return him home before heading home ourselves.
I am totally thrilled with how well this trip has gone, the added bonus was getting another outlef for my cards here. And of course, seeing Joshua has been lovely too... I must remember to take some photos of him! lol
So, we had a lovely time with Joshua.. he played with B & G in the park, we all had a nice lunch.... popped in to see my Niece and Nephew-in-Law then came home!
While Stew picked up the dogs I went and bought more card and fabric.... and will spend the evening cutting more card I suppose!
I expect to be darn busy over the next few weeks making up the order for Whitianga... AND Lacy seems to have lined up a couple of shops in Paihia TOO! Looks like my wee 'hobby' is going to be a mini-business soon!
End of Day: I'm happy... tired... excited about my card success... and actually looking forward to bed tonight! nite nite.


  1. Hope you had a good trip!!

  2. That is so *amazing* about your cards. Wow! You must be very pleased... well done!

    PS: I am totally jealous of your craft/sewing room. Would really loved one too. I do painting, drawing, mosaics and beading, so it's getting a little out of control!!!

  3. WOW! U super talented little thing you!!! I can't wait to get married so i can have special chris place cards : P

  4. Chris, I'm so thrilled that your little business venture is growing. You should pop into every little shop you find. Imagine how big this could grow.
    So exciting.

    What a great start to your weekend.

  5. How cool for so happy for you about the cards. Hope you have a great trip. Was coming to visit you last night, but realised you weren't home. Had to drop Katelyn back to her mum as she had been with us for the I dropped her off, had a yak and a coffee for a couple of hours and drove home...phew...was very thankful, tht was 3am this morning. I need some cards so will give you a call in the next little while. Say hi to everyone for us. xx

  6. Hey how lovely you can get paid for doing something you love! Well done! See? good things come to those who wait! Congratulations love! xx

  7. Fantastic about the cards!! I was going to suggest you tried around Coromandel to sell them. There are shops all over the place that would suit selling these - well done!!!!

  8. OMG!! How exciting!!! I'm thrilled for you...

  9. So happy for you! You are an amazing artist and I knew your cards would sell! Woohoooo!

  10. Chris, I'm so happy your cards are taking off! You're a good biz woman. Just yakking away and you got a deal!

  11. That is so great, Chris. It sounds like you are going to be a card making machine for a while. I am really happy for you.

  12. Anonymous3:09 PM

    WOW! Your cards really are selling like hotcakes! Lucky you got busy the other day and made a heap of them! But now you are going to be an even busier girl! WOMBAT

  13. Anonymous3:17 PM

    That is so wonderful about the cards Chris and the positive and enthusiastic response. You have earnt the title artist now. My husband is a renowned Australian watercolour artist, He has a gallery in Melbourne where you cards could probably sell. I could ask them if you like.


  14. YEAH YOU!!!!! A huge congratulations on the sale of your cards. That is so exciting. Just think hope happy all the people will be who receive your beautiful artwork as a gift or in the mail.

    Very cool.

  15. great effort selling the cards..pays to put the word out there about ya wears i find that with my linen they dont know if u dont tell them.

    hope the trip home wasnt do busy and stressful...and the puppies are glad to seee you and they enjoyed there we stay too

  16. And I second all the above well done and HOW COOL for you to be recognised and be PAID WELL for your hobbie. Glad the trip went well hope the dogs are settled back in.

  17. TAKE PHOTOS TOO!!! so they are cataloged and then YA don't have to think up colour combo and piccy combo when ya get into the MAKING of THOUSANDS of cards!!!!!!

  18. marlene scobbie6:03 PM

    WOW CONGRATULATIONS. I am so excited for you. What a great weekend.

  19. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Congrats! Thats such cool news. Bet you are so pleased with yourself, as you should be!! I predict you will be very very busy!

    Actually, reading your post made me get goosebumps!! That's just so super-duper.

    Kate (

  20. Woo! Congrats! That's fantastic.

    I'm really looking forward to holidays being over too!

  21. Thats excellent Chris! Well Done!

  22. VERY pleased you're getting this attention now with the cards, Chris! :)

  23. Wow...congratulations on the cards!! I would love to know how to do that:( Send me some simple instructions pleeeezzzeeee!! You might have to go all out and get an abn number and start your own fully fledged card business ... serious!!!! Start a production line and make the kids slave labour sticking or cutting or whatever:) You should give it serious thought though. I could sell some here in Strahan even...tourist town and all. The possibilities are endless!!!

  24. Well done, Chris! You deserve this success. You're very talented and your cards are amazing!

  25. Fantastic news about your lovely cards. If you have any of your gorgeous bags left, why not take them with you and see if they can sell them for you.

    Well done! :)

  26. How freaking exciting about your cards!!


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