Monday, July 26, 2010


NOPE.. couldn't get anymore to fit in there! I used it all! And Teddy (her bear) watched the whole thing from the floor. I asked her just what was she doing and was told "Go away Grandma".... nice. lol

DUCK/$'s SITUATION: I reminded 'C' in England and she has responded with apologies and a promise to send the money today. I feel good about that.

Today: Patchwork class, where I will be sewing fabric onto card.... am nowhere near finishing the Whitianga Order yet.... but that's fine, I have plenty of time.

When I get home... I am going to blog read/comment until I am all caught up! I hate to think how many are on my Google Reader list!!! Last time I checked it was 257..... YIKES!
ABOVE: a certain wee girl loves VW's... so when I saw these VW buttons I just had to buy them! I am going to be making curtains for Rena's new bedroom, so think I will try and put the buttons on them somewhere.... or maybe on a matching cushion or two.
Class today was again lovely.... I dressed to be warm today... as last week I froze me butt off there... today... I was hot! Derrrrr.
MY. BACKSIDE. HURTS! I have been sitting here at the computer for 3.5 hours reading and commenting on blogs. I AM DONE. I did not visit everyone, I did not read all of the updated blogs... it is too much! I need to get off my bum.... it is sore!
End of Day: and I have just made 5 more cards... the minimum I have set myself for each day. Happy about that.... nite nite.


  1. I hope the duck lady comes through as promised this time.
    Little Rena looks so cute...they do learn early to want their privacy in the loo.

  2. Oh my Goodness!!! That's so adorable he he he ..... Bless!!!!
    Joy :o)
    PS ... and "Go away Grandma" ..... that's hilarious :oD!!!

  3. That is priceless and a really good future 21st photo I am up BUT only just!!! Samuel still asleep.

  4. Hi. You've been so busy you might have to click "read"on some Blogs and don't bust yourself in comments. I'm sure we all understand.

    You can't be SuperWoman all the time.

    I love your comments but it's time to put yourself first and do it your way not how you think it should be, or worry about what others might think.


  5. Very cute photo of Rena:-) Glad you got to spend some time with her.

  6. Cute little one!! Can't wait to see your latest project!!

  7. Way too cute..I've been away and I see you haven't slowed down. I love the picture of you on your header...BEAUTIFUL

  8. oh I LOVE those VW buttons! I must keep an eye out for those, Dobby LOVES vw's at the moment. Particularly the Kombi vans. Weird child that one...

  9. Very cute photo! and very cute buttons! The pink and purple are my fave! Kel xxx

  10. This is a post of cuteness from the top to the bottom, or from the bottom to the bottom. Love the child and the buttons.

  11. O Chris! That little precious granddaughter is sooo sweet! Makes you want to kiss her little face right off! :)

    I totally adored those little buttons! They are precious! When my kids were little and got bored on trips -we would play the Hunch - Bug game-because that was what we called the little Volkswagens. Whoever saw one first had to call out Hunchbug and what color it was! They got a point ! Calling the colors helped solve the problem of -IF there were two different ones in a parking lot ! We had so much fun.So your little hunch-bug buttons are very dear to my heart! :)

    Sorry you got chilled today - I wish I could have shipped you some of our heat! I really ENVY you - your wonderful Weather! I wish the stork could have dropped me in your lovely country!

  12. I hope "C" comes through this time! Keep us updated....

    The picture of Rena on the potty is adorable! I'm glad they let you post it!

    What a joy it must have been for you to have her to yourself for a couple of days!

  13. Reminds me my toodler who likes to pull out all the toilet paper and he doesn't even use the toilet yet.

  14. 257 blogs! Yowser! Thanks for including mine...!

  15. Love the buttons
    No wonder your butt is sore 257 blogs oh my!!!

  16. Love the buttons!! Finally got my machine out. Did some repairs on quilts and stuff, but am thinking of starting a project. Just don't know what yet. Anyway, I'm hoping to post later this week, so come back and visit my blog.

  17. Anonymous1:23 AM

    LOVED the potty photo! What a scream!...and she was wanting her privacy! Did it all flush down?? eeek - hope so! cute photo! You are one busy gal! You make me dizzy with all you do!!...debbie

  18. That Rena is a cutie pie!

    Good luck with the duck money. . . I have my fingers crossed for you!

    I love those buttons too. Wish I had a place to put some in my house . . .

  19. The pic of Rena on the potty is it to her when she's 16! LOL!!!

    Glad to hear that "C" in England is going to send your $$$. Hope she doesn't "forget" again!



  20. Keeping my fingers crossed you get your money. What a cute picture! Can't wait to see what you do with the buttons.

  21. Your little girl looks so cute hoarding all that tissue paper. =) Btw, I love you make these "conversations" below the pics.


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