Thursday, April 29, 2010


JELLY is made of WATER eh?

In which case... I have had some water ! Shock, horror... I hate water! But... those jelly's are made from 2 cups of water EACH... I feel very .... VIRTUOUS today!

AND happy. For the first time in ages I feel like my happy self again... I am smiling! NO, I ain't gunna try and take a photo of me smiling face either... it is just too hard.. and me eyes squint up and I feel I look fatter smiling! LOL

Soooo looking forward to Sunday too... when we go and get COCO.... I can't wait to meet her.... and see how Teddy reacts to her. Perhaps that's why I"m so happy!

My Grandfather worked on the construction of lots of New Zealand's Hydro Power Stations many, many years ago... and I found all these old photos of some of them being built and offered them to the National Library... and the other day they said YES, they would love to have them! I am chuffed, they are going to be part of a display that documents our Power Grid construction. So glad they are not going in the bin, but will be seen by many people.
I did something this morning that I have been meaning to do for a while:

ABOVE: I put this little table by the window, put a cushion on it, covered it... and waited:

ABOVE: Hmmmmm... this looks interesting.....
After that success, I went down to the newly created Card Making Area:
And tried to get at least one card finished today! I have been 'working' on this card:
For two whole days already! I think I'm too fussy! I just can't seem to get it quite 'right' for my liking.... grrrrrrr. BUT.... I am getting there...
So that blasted card just does not look right, so I scrapped it for now and started making some cute, funky heart blocks on me trusty sewing machine... will show you tomorrow!
Off to feed the family now...
End of Day: another good day... very happy with what I did today. Love making stuff.... nite nite.


  1. It's so nice to feel happy!!

    My eyes squint up when I smile too. Very annoying lol.

    Glad your dad's pictures are going to be used! I love old pictures.

  2. Now thats cool BUT Chris DO take some copies of them and keep them on file in your computer then there is something there for you to email on if you ever needed to. I hope you didnt eat all the jellies!

  3. That's so very cool that the National Library wants the photos. Hate to see documented history destroyed.

    Glad you're, dare I say it? happy again. Woohooo!

  4. Great idea with the photos Chris:-)

  5. You do know your Teddy, don't you. I can't wait to hear how he reacts to Coco. Having a new puppy will keep you happy...tired, but happy.

  6. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I think you are happy now because you've had a sugar hit!

  7. Great idea about the table. My Iggy is too big for that, but I'm sure I could rig something. You are a perfectionist for sure. That's great. The card will be done when you are satisfied. I'm curious though, what's a jelly?

  8. Isn't this were your sewing area used to be? So where are you sewing now?

    Teddy looks like he is very happy with his new lookout spot. He is such a beautiful little fellow! Hugs for Teddy. xx

  9. What a great idea for Teddy. It looks like he is really enjoying his new perch! Noah likes to look out the windows, too...he stands with his two front paws on the heater register vents that are directly under the window so he can be tall enough to look out. The glass in my windows stay a mess!

    And how wonderful that the Library wanted your photos. That's a perfect way to save not only some of the history of your area, but some family history as well!



  10. LOL at Teddy - and jelly counts as water hmmmmmmm....

  11. What a busy lady you are. Hope all goes well when you go get CoCo.

  12. Thanks for all your comments and sympathy Chris. It's been a horrible week.

    Unfortunately Tom's dad passed away two days ago.

    It was very sudden. He had a massive brain aneurysm and was rushed to hospital in an ambulance, but he lost consciousness and never regained it. He passed away about 3 hours later.

    I haven't put it on my blog yet... but it happened the same day as my horrible episode at casulty... horrible.

  13. Teddy looks the part of a real "guard dog" LOL
    Glad you are feeling much better these days. Did you get that Ginger slice recipe I left for you on face book last week?
    I really must get back into excuses really .... just lazy!!! LOL
    Have a good night :)

  14. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Hi Chris

    What a wonderful thing to do to donate all those old photos to the National Library :O)

    Michelle x

  15. So happy you're happy!!:)

    I think Teddy will be very excited to meet Coco

  16. How funny are you?!? I wonder what the gyms would say if we all started taking jellies into the workouts!!! lol!

  17. Teddy is adorable! Thanks for visiting my blog. North of 25 A is a 4 lane road (technically it also named Northern Boulevard) that divides Long Island north and south. I live North of 25 A on the North Shore where everyone (well, not really everyone) thinks they are better than the South Shore... The North Shore is also called the Gold Coast... I love where we live, but it was my little way of poking fun at what some take way too seriously.

  18. Glad to hear you had a good day, Chris :-)

  19. My son Chaz thinks your sewing room is pretty cool!

  20. Seems like those heart blocks are the start of something big! Of course I have commented on your post backwards so I know where this is going!


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