Tuesday, April 13, 2010


One of my ducks went to a lovely girl in England... and she (the duck) is having the time of her life it would appear! The family who 'adopted' her have taken her on holiday to Devon:

And they even named her: Eva! Here are the 'girls' at Brixham Harbour in Devon...
ON THE RIGHT: Eva ... at Berry Pomeroy Castle, I'm told it is one of the most haunted castles in England! I hope Eva wasn't too scared, her new family are looking after her so well... seems she has her own bed in their caravan too. Awwww... how cute! lol
Wish I could be there too.... but I'm not. Today: we take Griffin to be assessed by a couple of Occupational Therapists... who are going to put him into a programme to help him control his body better..... he fidgets and cannot sit still... to the point where it drives us nuts... and his teachers too! Fingers crossed it will help.
Hopefully it's a nice day again and we can perhaps go on another tiki tour too... there are so many nice beaches in and around Auckland... I want to see them all!
It's a cloudy day.. but not cold.. tis all good!
I spent an hour this morning sorting out my wardrobes... getting rid of lots of 'FAT' stuff...I now have three separate 'lots'... Fat, Medium and Small clothes! I am going to chuck out anything that is FAT in 6 months.... just you watch me! I am on such a high in the motivation stakes right now! It's great. Success breeds success! And I am not going to stress if I never get into the 'Small' clothes either.. I just want to be a 'normal' size and happy about it.

End of Day: The assessment went well apparently... Griffin starts attending a group next term for Occupational Therapy with a few other kids... he is looking forward to it. Rest of day = quiet. nite nite.


  1. Have a great day and boy do I know what you mean about a fiddler, Chris drives me nuts at times to.... we used to have a fiddle bag with bits and bobs in that he would fiddle with it would go with him to school and everywhere he went. We changed the stuff around to keep it slightly more amusing. Good luck with G.

  2. Griffin fidgets? Can't keep still? He has a twin over here, you know. ;)

  3. Eva is certainly having a great time. I love it. Are you still making ducks?

  4. Ha couple the fidgets with on STOP CHATTER I tell ya its a circus at my place!!!

  5. Did I ever tell you about friends of mine with a son and daughter who had 'learning issues'? My friend, a very intelligent women who wouldn't just sit back and not do anything, looked into all the reasons why kids may have "issues". To make a long story short, she took them off Gluten. Any food that had gluten, she stopped feeding them. Within 2 months they could see a big difference, within 6 months all their "problem" behaviors were gone. Sometimes kids have food allergies and we don't even think to look there. Good luck!

  6. Would love to know the outcome, if you wouldn't mind sharing...

  7. We've been through the OT procedure with one of my children, for poor hand control for writing and stuff, but he seems to be coming along at the same pace as his peers in that area now.

    Didn't know that they could also work with the fidgetting and stuff? He does ALOT of that...

  8. Good luck Chris I will keep Griffin in my prayers. It so hard when you can't sit still I have a grown son that works himself into a dither cause he has to be doing something all the time and then he finally collapses and sleeps for hours. Your parcel is on its way.

  9. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Maybe the duck will become a seasoned traveller


  10. Eva is having way more fun than I am. What a lucky duck! I hope you get some good information from Griffin's assessment.

  11. Love the Duck tales!!! Might have to do something like that when we go in July.

    Have a good day, great to read you are feeling so motivated


  12. That is so cute! Eva is getting spoiled!

    And good on u for sorting out your clothes - that can often spring on the motivation!

  13. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Wonder if the duck will make it to Peking one day? Geddit? Yes there is no point in losing lots of weight to fit into smaller clothes because you will have to keep dieting all the time to make the small sizes fit. Get to a weight that is comfortable and managable. I have decided when I start my diet, that I am only going to double figures - 99kg will do me just fine. As long as it's under 100 kg! I can get away with it because I'm tall and big boned anyway!

  14. I love EVA"s story! It is so much better than a commerical we have on TV. The pictures really were the icing on the cake!Just think , if you had not created that lovely creature - then you would not have this lovely story to share. Sometimes the things we do have a way of working magic.

    O, I agreed with Bobbies Babbles about the food allergies. One of my friends adopted a young man and he had the fidgets also . The school complained and wanted to stick him on ritalin-but she did some research and not only the glutin but so many foods have additives . One of the worst offenders was hot dogs-full of chemicals and the red-dye is so bad. She did end up pulling her child out of public school and home-schooed him and he has turned out to be quiet a young man. I do believe that our "youth" are our futures. So, don't give up.

  15. Maybe you should write a book..."The Adventures of Eva, the Traveling Duck!" LOL How fun to know one of your little ducklings is off in the world, having a lovely time! Wish I was that lucky. :o)

    Hope things go well with the OT for Griffin...will definitely keep him in my prayers. And I love your attitude and outlook on your weight-loss journey...it is very healthy and I know you're gonna get there!



  16. Hope G's assessment goes well.

    Good bye fat clothes!

  17. Glad your duck, Eva, is having a great holiday! How funny is that. Mum asked me today what she was getting for Mother's Day so I told her that it was made especially for her with love in New Zealand. She can't wait to see what it is! Thanks for that!

  18. What a cute duck!

    I look forward to hearing about you throwing out the "fat" clothes!

  19. Can't wait to hear about the day you chuck those fat clothes...your're doing awesomely :-)

  20. Glad to hear there is some help out there for Griffin, must be such a relief for you!

    LOVING your attitude Chris! I look forward to hearing that those fat clothes have gone once and for all.

  21. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Congratulations on doing so well and I hope it's only 5 months until you can throw your fat clothes out! ...debbie

  22. So fun that Eva gets to travel and that you get to see her photos! Such a lucky duck.

    Good for you - sorting things out. There are many, many things in my house which need to be sorted.

    Good luck to Griffin and the Occupational Therapy. IT certainly sounds like a good idea.

  23. What a lucky Duck. Glad to hear things went well with Griffin and he's looking forward to attend his new group. Love all the beach pictures, I'm still wearing my winter coat. Snows gone though! Keep having fun with the kids. Nice cards BTW.

  24. Ot is great he will enjoy it. PT is great I am enjoying it. 5 pounds down from the early cut off time. I do not need to graze all day and all night. Bravo to you!!

    Hey on your Greeny bag you can add that i love mine too. You are quite talented my dear!

  25. Eva, the lucky duck!!


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