Saturday, April 10, 2010


Here is three of the cards I made yesterday:

ABOVE AND BELOW: I have a girl at Stew's work in mind for this one! Can you see the glitter I put on her boobs! LOL
ABOVE AND BELOW: Front and Middle of card.
ABOVE AND BELOW: Front and Middle of card.

I really need to get some stamps with common sayings on them, like 'Happy Birthday', 'Congratulations', etc! I don't have any. Will check out Trademe (like e-bay) over the next week or so and hopefully pick some up cheap.

ABOVE: This is what I put on the back of all my cards. I love that fish kiss stamp!

Now for the 'song' part of this post! I saw this young man singing on YouTube.. it is worth a listen I PROMISE!....

Click on this link:

It's saturday, Stew is home for the next week... yaaaa! Poor bugger needs the break too.. he's knackered. Work has been crazy/busy for him for months.

ABOVE: the cards I am working on this morning! I have run outta glue! And I also want to find me bits of paua shell... got some 'somewhere'.... to add to the front of these cards....
We went out for a drive... I wanted to check out a Scrapbooking place my friend told me about in Panmure.. and it is AMAZING! It sells fabrics and scrapbooking stuff, and stamps etc.... truly amazing shop! I will have to go there again when I have some cash to spend! Today... I'm broke! *sniff*
Had a healthy carb-less kebab for lunch at Sylvia Park then we came home and I've been mucking around with a couple more cards. It is a gorgeous day out there, so Stew is watching the kids ride their bikes in our little street. So it's nice and quiet inside. Neat.
Oh and I found my paua, but am not using it on those cards afterall.. it would be 'overkill' if I did. And YES, the jandals (thongs) are fabric.
End of Day: ***PEPSI UPDATED***. It's been a really neat day. Productive. I like productive... lol.
nite nite.


  1. you are just "Ms Arts and Crafts", arent you?

    i love it!

  2. Cute cards! I love how you added ribbon and fabric to them.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. SERIOUSLY would you stop already the first card I thought it WAS ME !!!!! haha she is bootiful, and the flower cards I love ya clever tart.

  4. I love, love, love these! I don't know if it's because I'm not much of a sewer, or if it's because I just really like cards. These show so much orginality and it's totally you. You could sell these too!

  5. You need a card business, these are so cute. I kept mine!

  6. You are very creative, Chris! Those cards are too cute. I really love the ones with the flip flops on them!

    And...that young boy has an awesome voice! WOW!!!!



  7. great cards u r going to have to get another linen cupboard for your card things now heheh

    enjoyed the song he was very good wasnt he

  8. love the cards chris another craft that is addictive lmao r the jandals fabric too ? very cute

  9. You are one talented lady Chris - your cards are beautiful :) I'm sure the paua will finish off the cards perfectly.

  10. Anonymous1:09 PM

    First of all let me say I really enjoyed that young man singing - i love that song. There was a little six yr old English girl who sang that same song and was sooo good! I love to sing to myself but can't hit a lick!! Your cards are just darling!! You have got quite some talent young lady!!!! Keep it up!!...debbie

  11. Your talents are endless Chris. I love all your cards. You should try and make some money out of your craftly talents. I would buy your cards if I was closer.

    Have a great weekend and I hope Stew enjoys his week off.

  12. Very talented!! I should check - probably have heaps of paua shells at the beach (but they still have their backing on)

  13. Love the cards! Hope your having a good weekend

  14. You are such a freaking clever tart!! I love those cards :)

  15. Wow those cards are the best. I will look through my stamps and see what I have. I am downsize my hobbies and have been saleing stamps on ebay. I will keep you posted.

  16. WOW-- Those are awesome cards! You are so creative-- The colors are great.

    Happy weekend,

  17. Teddy looks divine in the previous post!!! He is gor-ge-ous!!!!!! I love your cards. You are always coming up with something new!! I really, really like your "taste" in the fish stamp etc clever tart!!

  18. I wish I could do crafts like you, I am barely able to sew on a button. Great cards. Hope that sewing machine of yours is behaving itself

  19. LOVE the thong cards!
    And you are right, that kid was wroth listening too. He did a better job that Whitney!

  20. Chris, your talent for crafts just blows me away! Nice job on those cards.

    Have a good time with Stew this week!

  21. I love your cards!! The flip flop ones are my favorite!!

  22. What woncerful cards...that Loralie style card is just so funny!

  23. Chris, you have a good eye for this scrapbooking thing you're so into.

  24. Love your cards Chris. They are beautiful and the use of fabric is wicked. They are really cool.


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