Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Cornwall Park has some amazing trees... and this one is just awesome:

For some reason it's roots intrigue me.. they look like they are tentacles slithering into the ground! Neat eh? Every time I see it I wonder "Is it one huge tree, or several intertwined?" I shall probably never know.

Today: I'm off to the hairdressers. Probaly spend 4 hours sitting on me bum getting uncomfortable as hell.. what we girls go through!

I got on the scales, and those buggers showed a half kilo gain! Pffffft.... now I'm crabby.


Whoops I've been quiet today! I have my Mum and her partner Ron here again. And we all know how they feel about me being on the computer eh?

Back later... much later...

End of Day: still yakking with the visitors... but nearly ready for bed. nite nite.


  1. You and me both with the kilo gain. Not quite sure why - probably for me just too much food rather than bad food. Or maybe too much wine? Anyway, I'm cutting back and hopefully by next week I will have a loss.

  2. Settle Gretel! it will just be a little fluctuation of fluid - even more likely given your retention history - just keep on doing what you're doing and it will drop off again. You're going like a train - but even trains have to slow up to get up a hill!! Zxx ps love the tree - the textures and shapes are amazing

  3. WOW I thought the redwoods in Calif were big! These are great pics. a half kilo huh? Take a laxative!

  4. That sucks about the gain! >:o/

    Those trees DO look great! I like the roots too. It reminds me of that show 'Sigmond and the sea monsters' for some reason lol

  5. We have a similar tree here in one of our parks....did think of getting wedding pics done there but Kylee and Stephen didn't go for that suggestion ! I think its a amazing.

  6. The tree pics look like something out of a fairy tale.

  7. I know it sucks about the gain, but one thing I have had to learn the hard way is to not give the power to the scales.. please don't let a piece of machinery determine your mood for the day.. own the number, accept the number and move on.. so it's a gain, you'll just focus more and that will be off before you know it..

    but take back control, take back the power and use it to motivate instead of depress...

    I know.. words I have to keep reminding myself of every week...


  8. Love the trees :-)

  9. The roots look to me like they're real comfy having a good snooze.

  10. That tree looks like something out of Avatar! Too cool..

    Chin up...you'll begin to lose weight again soon, I bet.

  11. awesome tress!!!

    1/2 a kilo is nuthin, you are doing well:)

  12. You have been doing well Chris don't let a small gain get you down.

    Love the tree I'd like to be sitting underneath it now instead of where I am now

  13. What a great tree. Sorry to hear about the gain. Don't let it get to you, keep strong.

  14. That tree and those roots are very impressive. They remind me of long tentacles with talons on the end which are digging into the earth. Cool!

  15. OHhh, what I would do to have a tree in my own yard like that! How enchanting.

    I have to go to the salon also. Once a blonde, always a blonde. I had it all growing up but my hair darkened with each kid so now I get blonde weaved into it. I hate the sitting part though. :P

  16. OHhh, what I would do to have a tree in my own yard like that! How enchanting.

    I have to go to the salon also. Once a blonde, always a blonde. I had it all growing up but my hair darkened with each kid so now I get blonde weaved into it. I hate the sitting part though. :P

  17. That's one huge tree!

  18. The tree pictures are incredible Chris, I love them!

  19. I love the tree pictures!! They are really different! Your new picture is awesome!! Y


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