Wednesday, February 24, 2010


SIX days on Super Low Carbs. And I am on a roll. I really am doing it. Finally. Finally. I have myself under control .... my mindspace is finally in the zone. THANK GOD!

Today , well first thing this morning actually... I'm off to see the Doctor. HIS idea. To talk about my issues. To try and help me cope better with all the crappy things that happen in life. I need to learn how to KEEP away from food when upset/bored/lonely etc!

SO... ONWARD....

Dr's visit: well he's one of those people that keeps saying "And what do YOU think YOU can do to turn things around?" and so on. Don't think it is very helpful when you SIMPLY DON'T BLOODY KNOW and that's why you are there asking for help! Anyway... I shall go again NEXT Wednesday and see how it goes ... AGAIN.

After being there I drove down to the mall... and went to the movies! I saw 'It's Complicated'... it was a nice romantic movie.. and I enjoyed it. I DID not enjoy the $45 parking ticket I got cos I had parked in the wrong carpark! DOH! Win some, lose some.

Now I'm home and Teddy is (as per usual) licking my feet.... he loves smelly feet. YES, we have a weird dog! And I shall do a few chores around the house... and think about what we shall have for dinner.
My 'diet' is SPOT ON still ! I took a salad to the movies! And Diet Coke...of course.... lol.
ABOVE: Northridge Surgery. I'm going there tonight to listen to a seminar on Lap Banding. I am feeling 50/50 on this option for me right at this minute. There are a few pro's and con's that I have to weigh up for a while before I make a decision. But knowledge is everything.. so off I go.... (well, I will as soon as Stew get home eh?)...
End of Day... and I am older and wiser... but not much! The seminar really didn't tell me anything I didn't already know... except that it costs between $17 and $18 thousand dollars. I have a lot to think about. nite nite .
OH and ANOTHER day TOTALLY ON TRACK. Low Carbs is easier than I thought... with the right mental attitude.


  1. Good on you!! One point I'd like to make is that when you are low carbing, your hunger is not so bad so it is much easier to stay away from food when bored and lonely! I hope you are noticing the lack of appetite.

  2. Cherish a Doctor who wants to talk about you and really listen to you, there's not many of the buggars out there! Godd luck mate!

  3. Lee-Anne L9:44 AM

    You are doing Great......You go girl..... Just a little question is Pumpkin and Kurmera low carb?

  4. Good for you girl! Now that you know you can do it-there should be nothing stopping you from achieving your goal. I hope the doctor can help you sort out your eating issues...mind over matter hon! You're can do it! :-)

  5. Great to hear you brighter and more positive.

    Hope the doctor can give you some tips on coping with sh*t!

  6. Good luck at the Dr's and WELL DONE on doing so well on your plan, that is great! XXCathy

  7. Six days is great Chris! You really are on a roll, and lord knows it isn't easy! Keep up the great work! I'm proud of you! I'm stuck again - I can't break the 55 lb. mark...and I keep reaching for the chocolate Easter candy I bought for the kids. I should know better...

  8. You go girl ! Great to hear things progressing nicely. If it helps, my dog licks my feet as well - as gross as it sounds. Keep up the good work. Martine x

  9. Good for you and lol about taking a salad into the movies..... Have a good afternoon :-)

  10. LOL on that doctor... my word, that's why I never go. They don't have a good answer for ya!

  11. Good to check out the seminar - but hey it sounds like you are doing well at the moment. Still they say knowledge is power.

  12. YES pumpkin and kumara are low carb!!!! YAY to the kumara lovers!! salad to the movies I have taken fresh fruit cut into CHUNKS!! and celery and carrot sticks before.. When animals lick your feet its more about the SALT on our skin im sure THE sweat perhaps?

  13. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Don't do the lapband surgery! I know 3 friends who had it done and they have nothing but trouble! They go out for tea with friends then chuck it up. You lose your quality of life. Its not foolproof, they manage to put on weight too, by eating shit. They are really regretting geting it done.

  14. Congratulations on 6 successful days. You Rock - it's not just the Diet Coke.

  15. It's actually quite easy no matter which eating plan you follow - when your head's in the right place. But sometimes it's just so bloody hard trying to get the right mind set - but it sound like you've finally got it - you deserve it - you've been looking for it for a long time. Viva la good headspace!!! Zxx

  16. Good girl! So... how much have you lost? I am so glad you are not finding this as hard as you thought :)

  17. woohoo!!!!! 6 days:) isnt it great when you get the right mindset, and even better when you follow through and feel positve!!!!

  18. Anonymous12:21 AM

    $17 - $18 THOUSAND!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


    That, my girl, is a LOT of therapy. I would try everything - inc low carb if you want - before you did that!

    Imagine how many trips to Australia you could do with that money! :)

  19. Way to go, six days and counting. Sorry Dr was less than helpful. I really enjoy that movie too. Keep up the wonderful work.

  20. You are awesome, Chris! Keep up the good work and the good attitude!

  21. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Hi Chris,

    Job well done on the last 6 days.... I have battled with weight since 1994 and I have to say its more in my head than what I put in my mouth, I had counselling to sort out why i was eating..... Pretty much food was my choice of drug, rather than alcohol or actual drugs for instance.... Having said that I am banded and I dont regret it one bit, god knows what size I would be if I was not... and I did only do my counselling after being banded for things that happened to me when I was a kid...

    You will know in your heart what is the right decision for you.

    Keep up the good work...


  22. Hmmmm.... I am only watching calories but even though I'm doing well, the weight is taking forever. Maybe I should think about low carbs.

  23. Yikes on the ticket!! I haven't seen that movie yet either!


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