Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My gorgeous ROXY (Toyota Highlander) has to go to the doctor today. She got recalled for a potential problem with an oil hose. She is also going to have her 6 monthly checkup. I'm sure it will all go fine.

While she's at the doctors I will have to walk the streets! As the Garage is not too far from shops, I don't think that will be a problem, do YOU? lol

Last night I started work on a doll... no idea what I'm doing... just making it up as I go.. kinda normal that!


While Roxy was being tended to, I wandered down to the nearest shops.. and passed a BB's Coffee Shop... as I hadn't had breakfast (well actually I never do!).... I stopped and had morning tea.. a diet coke (what else?) and a bacon, cheese and onion scone. OMG that scone was TO DIE FOR! I was so, so tempted to buy a couple more for my lunch... but I resisted as they were soooo stodgy and laden with carbs. *sigh* Score 1 for the day I suppose.

So, as a consequence I didn't do any shopping. I read the paper, drank me diet coke and savoured my scone.

Home now, got to do a bit of housework... Yaaa friggin ya... and then do some sewing I think....

End of Day: it's been the most stinking hot/damp/muggy evenings in ages! I dread going to bed... last night it took me hours to get to sleep. Since I stopped taking the sleeping pills and the HRT I have started to suffer again. Pffffffft. Luckily I'm going to see the Dr on Thursday. nite nite.


  1. Oh the horror shopping! Gee hope they dont take too long with the car CARRYING shopping a long way is the pits!!!

  2. Hi
    I have to tell you that your ducks are too cute! You should definitely sell them and then you could do way more shopping ;-)
    Dominique x

  3. Have a happy morning shopping :-)

  4. If it's not us it's our cars that have to go to the doctor. Sounds like you have good plans for while you wait.

  5. Roxy is a cutie!

    Hope you find lots at the shops! :)

  6. Glad it's only a mandatory recall. I love your Roxy too!

  7. Nice car. I have to take mine in for it's 1000 mile check up. I can't believe it already has 1000 miles on it..oh well.

    You should show us pics of your doll. I can't wait to see it. I should learn how to sew...hhmm..have a happy happy day..xoxo

  8. Interesting that Stew takes Metformin...have you ever asked your doctor about taking it for weight loss? The reason I ask is that it's what my doctor put me on to help kick my metabolism in gear. It has made a HUGE difference for me. My doc told me that it is usually used to help regulate blood sugar, but if there isn't a blood sugar issue, it will help with metabolism...it's worth talking to your doc. about.

  9. sounds lovely hope roxy is all well!!

  10. Oh darn, you had to go shopping :-) I wish my repair shop was in a good shopping area. Hope you had fun.

  11. That scone does sound lovely!
    I'm about to sell my beloved car, as it doesn't make sense to have two cars and mine is the impracticle[SP?] family car :o/

  12. Glad you found a way to enjoy yourself while running errands. Sorry to hear about the sleep issues, I know how you feel...


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