Saturday, February 06, 2010


Stew got a new company car last night, the lady who had it for the last few months reckoned it was the most disgusting 'CALF SHIT YELLOW' colour, and said she was so, so glad to be getting rid of it! What do YOU think?...
It is the Sportivo model and I think it rocks! Who wants one that does not stand out eh? And it's not Calf Shit Yellow, it's GOLDEN... lol.
It needs a wash, she parked it under trees and let the birds shit on it... so it's covered in BIRD SHIT... oh hell... it's got shit ON it.... ha ha ha!
It's saturday, time to catch up on the washing, do some housework, wash his car and mine, and settle back into the school/work routine. I presume we will end up going out at some stage...
OH and today is Waitangi Day ... which is like Australia Day, or Your National Day... but here it usually means a whole lot of racist crap/political crap/and just crap in general. Most of the general population just view it as a holiday... and this year it falls on the weekend, so no holiday.
ONWARD... Cars are clean, grocery shopping is done, housework is done, AIR CONDITIONING is ON... and I'm hot and crabby. ANTS have finally found our kitchen, and are everywhere. Now I have to go get ant killer to get rid of the little F*#kers. Grrrrrrr!
End of Day .... and I still havn't got the ant killer stuff.. will have to do that tomorrow. *sigh* nite nite.


  1. It is not bloody yellow it is Gold !!! Martine x

  2. it is a comapny car which means youdont pay for it and they do... which means free and who gives a SHIT what color it is... is it a toyota??? cant see good today... if so please be careful and make sure if its on the recall listit gets fixed... cant have smashed stew ya know.
    hugs Laura

  3. I have seen calf shit that color lol. BUT I think the car is nice :)

    There's that political bullshit again ;o)

  4. Definitely not calf shit..but one thing is for sure. Your hubby will NEVER lose that car in a parking lot.haha..xoxo

  5. I think it's a LOVELY colour - gold is good!

  6. As a company car goes WHO cares what colour it is The other women who had the car is full of shit! Hope you have a lovely weekend washing of ALL DESCRIPTIONS!

  7. Anonymous2:02 PM

    One would have thought - one would not have cared as long as you were not paying for it - what is wrong with the lady that had it?? - but hey - it is great news for you


  8. O Chris,
    I think it is lovely! I love Most any shade of yellow!
    I had to laugh at your having weather to make you run the air conditioner and right now we have about a foot of fresh snow on the ground and the white stuff if still flying down from the sky.
    I put the birdfeeder out on the porch so the little birds could find something to eat and they keep the feeder swinging all over the place. I can't wait to see what kind of Winter you all get???????

  9. Oh you crack me up you crazy lady... I'm glad the airconditioning is on! Ants - they are everywhere this year. I did find the ant killer very effective in my kitchen though, good luck!

  10. It's kinda cute!!

  11. ha ha ha....must admit we call that colour "baby shit" colour...sorry chicky....not a colour we like in this house...hehehe...please dont ban me...hugsss Khris

  12. Yep calf shit is definately that colour ... altho I think the word is scours ... or maybe you could french twist it to be "scurés"

  13. 1) From my distant memory of dating a cow cocky - the car colour looks nothing like calf poo

    2) Why can't they change Waitangi day to the nearest friday!! PC crap gone silly.

    3) Ants need " ant ban"

  14. Definetly not calf shit a golden colour and I like it !!!!

  15. I was thinking it was more gold too :) OMG you make me feel tired just reading about all you've accomplished today :O
    Anne x

  16. Hi Chris, Well I'm all caught up. Just spent some time on this snowed in morning reading your posts. Glad about finally getting a diagnosis, your bedroom looks great, the chickens are funny in a scary way, your sewing machine sucks, and glad everyone is out of your hair and back and school and work.

  17. Use talc for the ants. Ants don't like to walk (or whatever ants do) through talc.

    Carol :)

  18. my sister has this car in this colour and I must admit, I like it. they are a good car and he should enjoy driving it.

    come clean mine when you're done - it's not been washed since we before we went on our Great Ocean Adventure! lol!

  19. I went with my sister to buy a car once. The deal was done and the salesman was filling in the form for her when he pondered out loud "hmmm colour?" I said straight off the cuff without thought "Shit Brown" Shit Brown it was, as clearly stated on her papers.

    Too funny.

  20. I agree with you Chris - Stews new car is golden! lmao.
    My husbands grandfather got a 'great 'deal on a new car because NO ONE wanted it.. and it really was BABY SHIT GREEN!!!
    now honestly , your new car may be calf shit yellow - but I've never been that up close and personal with calf shit - go figure:P


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