Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today we have the Educational Psychologist coming to assess Griffin. We are hoping like hell that she can give us some insight into WHY Griffin is finding learning so difficult in some areas.

Then we can 'present' her findings to the school, and they will know how to teach him.. we HOPE.

While she is here, Amanda and Andrew are going to take Brylee out for the morning.. so she is not under foot so to speak.

So, fingers crossed it's a productive meeting...

Ok.. where to start? The visit went very well... took a few hours.

Immediate and on the spot 'report' from the Psychologist.. he's Dyslexic, and has Dysgraphia (look it up on Google OK?) AND he needs to be assessed by a Clinical Psychologist as well, as she is quite sure he ALSO has Foetal Alcohol EFFECTS.. so he has lots of stuff going on that can hopefully be worked on. He is of NORMAL intelligence... something we already knew.

We now await her report in writing to present to the school so they can (?) set up an IEP for him. (Individual Education Programme). Here's hoping this year goes well for him.

After she left we all jumped in Roxy (Me car) and did a trip down to the waterfront for a tiki tour and an ice cream.
Now home, and must start dinner....
ABOVE: Photos from today ... taken at the lookout at the top of St Helliers Bay in Auckland.... note my pretty new necklace from Amanda and Andrew... and yes, that is Stew's bum in the red shorts in the last photo! LOL
End of a long, hot, stressful day. Just spent over 2 hours on the phone yakking to me Mum/girlfriend/Niece .... far out I can talk! nite nite!


  1. Chris, I hope you find the answers you need, more importantly so that Griffin can get some assistance. How is Teddy coping with his new hairdo, hopefully the embarrassment is no longer an issue for him.

  2. I wonder if that would help my son. He's not doing terrible at school, but compared to our first child, he's far from being bright. For some reason, he hates school.

  3. so glad you got some answers with your meeting.in the uk there is help for children with learning difficulties, but like you know it so often is the parents who do the finding out. thanks for the pics....my list of places to go when i visit nz is getting very very long

  4. Good news that things are being diagnosed, love the photo of you - you are a sexy chick !!!!

  5. I'm so glad you got an IEP. They allow our kids to get the help they need.

    There are things you will have to fight for along the way, but an IEP is a good start to the journey.

  6. Hope all works out with Griffin and that they deal with the problems. I as a Reading Specialist and dyslexic myself, so I do know all about it.
    I will cross my fingers for you!

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