Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Poor Stew has to go back to work today.
Poor me, home alone with the kids.

At least now I can sew and still keep an eye on them and what they are up to!

After lunch I shall go and visit my Uncle, at my Aunt's house. I hope it goes well. He is dying of lung cancer... I hope I don't burst into tears when I see him! Last time I saw him was at my Grandmother's funeral (His Mum)... and it is all just a blur!

I am feeling NERVOUS about seeing my Uncle? Weird but true. Only a couple more hours now till we go around to see him and his wee son.
ABOVE: My Uncle Alan (I have only ever called him Alan)... he is only two years older than me... so he is 53.
ABOVE and BELOW: Alan and his wee son Jayden... Alan has a grown up son too... and his only daughter died from an Asthma attack a few years ago. You would never see a more DOTING Dad! He loves that wee boy sooooo much!
ABOVE: three happy kids playing up for the camera! Jayden is a busy wee boy.... VERY BUSY!
My Uncle and I had the chance to have a nice long chat (just the two of us) during the afternoon... and I was able to let him know that Stew and I would be happy to have Jayden if a time comes that he needs to find a new family for him.... and I also said they could both live with us if need be too... particularly when Alan needs treatment and can't look after Jayden on his own. So we will wait and see what happens on that front.
In all the visit went very well.... my Aunt acted like she hadn't just been awful to me? So I was just my usual happy self and went with it. All good.
Stew came home early so was able to say 'Hi' to Alan too... and now he's gone to pick up the Cross Trainer. Then I think we are going to the beach for a swim then fish and chips! NICE.
End of Day: dinner at the beach... what a lovely way to end the day! nite nite


  1. Hi Chris - Just back from my winter vacation - Carnival Cruising to the Caribbean. If I never go on another cruise, I will be very happy. Moving hotels are just not for me. Hope your holidays were fun and happy. Oh yeh, there is food all day on a ship and it's all very yummy. Back to eating basics [and a little deprivation]this week.

  2. I was going to make a flippant comment that sewing will now count as exercise! But having read today's post I have reconsidered.

    My thoughts will be with you and your family as you deal with the process, which has only one end.


  3. I am so sorry about your Uncle! I know how hard it will be for you to see him now. My prayers go with you all!

  4. Anonymous12:22 PM


    Good for you!! I know this will be hard - thoughts are with you


  5. I hope your visit with your uncle went well. I'm sure him having a wee son makes it all the harder. It is good of you to make the visit, even though it is so very hard for you.

  6. O my dear Chris,
    I can relate because when My mother-in-law was in the process of dieing - I just could hardly bear it. I know that was selfish - but I had to bow out the last few days because all I could do was cry. I found out later that I was working through a depression .
    My heart goes out to you I am so sorry.

  7. P.S. I just spotted your lovely banner with you and the ocean - BE STILL MY BEATING HEART!

    That is a lifetime dream of mine - to live near the ocean. It seems over here that only the rich can have that dream -plus the taxes are double near the water.

    I really do love that picture - you are so lovely!

  8. I'm sorry about your uncle. Just terrible. I'm glad to hear you offered to take care of his son. Sometimes I wonder what would happen to my kids if something was to happent to my wife and I.

  9. Your heart is just so big Chris. I'm sure your Uncle felt alot better about the future after your chat. To know the little man, and him if necessary, will be cared for will make the journey so much easier for him.
    Bigs hugs across the ocean to you.

  10. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Chris that was an extraordinarily nice thing to do, you and Stew are clearly very good people.


  11. What a kind and benevolent person you and Stew are, your Uncle must be so relieved - it must be a great weight off his mind. God bless x

  12. Thanks for adding me Chris, sorry to read about your Uncle. I'm glad the visit was nice. You and Stew are amazing people, if only more people were like you. Your family is beautiful including little Teddy!!

  13. Chris


    You really are a ray of sunshine in my cyber life.


  14. What a wonderful, wonderful thing to do! You are so kind and good. :)

    I hope the entire transition is as easy as possible for you and your family.

  15. I'm sorry about your uncle.

    Big Pissy is right about how wonderful you are.


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