Thursday, December 24, 2009


I have to do last minute shopping today... all the fresh meats, salads, fruit, pudding stuff etc.

We have dinner guests tonight, and then of course throughout Christmas day!

So we will brave the crowds at the supermarket again... shit I can hardly wait!

At least today I will have Steve to help me with all the bags!

I THINK I have done all the gift shopping/wrapping? I hope so anyway!


Everything is done! I have an enormous Ambrosia Dessert chilling in the fridge for tonight... trifle for tomorrow ready to throw together.... etc etc etc! Relaxing for a while before doing some housework in readiness before this evening's guests arrive for our EVE BBQ. *smiles*

I am soooo looking forward to seeing the kids faces tomorrow, I just KNOW they are going to be thrilled with their gifts this year. I really went a bit OVERBOARD...... but these two littlies usually only get gifts from us (I mean SANTA)... so I over compensate I suppose, but these two are special to me and Stew. Very special.
ABOVE: I just cut 'Midget's' hair... think I did a good job too! AND I weighed both of them.... Brylee is 24 kilos... (she was 26 kilos 3 months ago)... and Griffin is 47 kilos... (he was 36 kilos 3 months ago). Hmmmmmmmmmm... I need to fatten one up and shrink the other! Not an easy thing to do with either of them.

End of Day: it's 12.56 am, Christmas morning really! We are just heading off to bed....and will be up in about 5 hours when the kids wake up.... our BBQ was awesome.... nite nite!


  1. I too am going to do a last minute bit of shopping, so I must say now. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for being so open and frank about life's journey.

  2. Just wanted to say have a very Merry Christmas and hopefully we will have a proper catch up in the new year!!


  3. Great news about Griffin - and enjoy your walks!! Hope all the counting-down-to-last-minute stuff today goes well. Merry Christmas Chris!

  4. Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and hope it all goes well - because I'm going away so won't be able to check your blog for a few days.

  5. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I am so glad that Griffin will get the help he needs to do well in school!
    I usually end up going overboard on my kids as well- and so does my Mom.
    Have a very Merry Christmas!!!!

  6. Just got back from my (hopefully) last trip to the grocery. Have to prepare for 35 or so people here for Christmas Eve. Enjoy those sweet faces on Christmas and have a wonderful Christmas with all of your family, Chris.

  7. It always strikes me that you're on a different day than we are. Here it's still the 23rd.
    Happy Holidays!

  8. Hi Chris Merry christmas to you and your family. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  9. Chris just stopping by to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

    My house is still a pigsty and I have spent way too much on Christmas due to lack of organization so it feels like I'll never get there myself. I just can't think of Christmas until school is finished, I'm afraid. I'm trying to get teenagers off their bottoms to help so we can all enjoy the next few days. Anyway . . . onward (as you would say!).

    I hope you enjoy all your family and that you enjoy spoiling Briley and Griffin particularly!

  10. Happy Holidays hon!

  11. Here's hoping that you have a fabulous day with your family tomorrow.

    Merry Christmas.

    Carol :)

  12. Bravo, Bravo - for all of your hard work and getting so much accomplished! That is really something to be so proud of! I hope the next days can be enjoyable for you because you sure have earned it. After you live through this - then you can take a big sigh of relief and then start planning it all over again for next year. ~smile~

    The little one is drop dead beautiful - I bet she gets it from you ! She makes me think of you drop dead beautiful , smart and full of herself - like you. Go ahead and enjoy them - they grow up so fast!

    Happy Holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You sure do deserve it.!

  13. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Merry Christmas Chris,enjoy the day with your family....Its a credit to you both, yourself and Stew two beautiful children

    Love Robyn

  14. Merry Xmas to me NZ cyber mate from all the way over here in NW Aust!!!

    All the best for a great day with your beautiful family.

    Here's to a FANTASTIC 2010 for you and yours.



  15. have the best time this christmas and a very happy healthy new year.

  16. You did a great job with her hair!!


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