Monday, December 28, 2009


ABOVE: The first kayak of the season, in our new kayak...

ABOVE: having a rest....
ABOVE: we all played cricket on the foreshore with a few groups of other people.. it was one of the HIGHLIGHTS of our day yesterday. We all had so much fun mixing with everyone on the beach and enjoying the company.

ABOVE: 3 short videos of our kayaking yesterday.

TODAY: we have no plans, but it might be a quiet day here at home! We are all sunburnt from yesterday....

ABOVE: we are all lobsters today! It is going to be an 'inside' day... cos no one wants to get sunburnt again! The sunblock we were using was only an SPF 15 so Stew has gone out and bought an SPF 30+... hopefully that protects us better.
End of Day: it's been a totally relaxing day today! I finally got to watch "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" tonight... loved it. nite nite.


  1. What a great day you had. A real Kiwi spirit all joining in together-whether you know people or not. You are at least having summer weather which is great. We have had rain since Christmas day and loving it!

  2. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Sounds like a wonderful day! I'm in Florida and I tend to burn quickly here. Sunblock doesn't work for me- but a shirt and hat do.
    Love the pic of the family!!!

  3. The weather looked beautiful and you all looked like you had a great time.

  4. What lovely pictures . . . even if you are all a bit pink, you all look happy! I loved watching the videos and hearing those Kiwi accents (of course, I know, it's we Aussies that have the accent!). Looks like you had great fun.

    My son went for a walk on the beach with his girlfriend yesterday . . . was gone for all of 3 hours (Do I worry???) and came back sunburnt. Never thought of sunscreen apparently. He has gone off surfing today and I will absolutely spifflocate him (not sure what that means but my mother used to say it alot) if he comes back more cooked. When they were little, I was so diligent with the sunblock, but now I wrongly assume they can look after themselves . . .

  5. I love the pics and what a lovely family outing. You all did look beautifully sunburnt!
    Enjoy your holiday!

  6. Looks like you all had a great day! Kayaking is always fun, and even though I've never played Cricket, it looks neat too! Glad you had such nice weather, aside from the sunburns. Ouch!

  7. I need a sunburn... It's winter here, and I reflect the sun, I'm so pale!

    Great pics! :)

    Teddy is absolutely adorable! :)


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