Friday, December 11, 2009


A few months ago I started taking HRT pills to stop the hot flushes at night, when they were at their worst. It worked for a while, then they stopped working.. back came the hot flushes, which kept me awake all night..... So my doctor gave me a sedative, to make me sleep through the hot flushes!
THAT worked! I sleep... so... why bother taking the HRT (which wasn't working anyway) if I don't need to? SO.... I HAVE STOPPED TAKING THEM.. I still sleep thanks to dem gorgeous little blue pills. WIN WIN situation I do believe. Feel much better about that I do.
TODAY: Stew and I are going to finish off the Christmas shopping together.. he's got the day off courtesy of his boss... she felt sorry for him... and she REALLY likes him! Heee heee.... today might just be FUN~! Oh and my Mum arrived back here last night, so she is coming shopping too... yaaaa!
Just got home from shopping for hours! Spent A LOT of money! What fun. Think we have everything SANTA needed to get now. AND Mum bought me another dress... I am a spoilt tart. *smiles*
End of Day... me feet are KILLING ME! Did a huge grocery shop tonight too.... then had to put it all away. PHEW I am knackered! nite nite.


  1. jealous... wish I was shopping.

  2. I don't know much about HRT but I think you have to be quite careful when comming off it and do it gradually. I think it would pay to check with your Dr. though.
    Hope you have a good day shopping, how nice to spend the day with just the 3 of you.

  3. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Oh that was me :)

  4. The less pills you need to take the better. Enjoy your shopping.

  5. I don't know about the HRT pills...I never took them, but good that you are sleeping. You need good rest for all that shopping.haha. Shopping for me tomorrow, as I have barely started on Christmas. Envy that you have all your Santa shopping done.

  6. It's always great shopping with mums ay. They always get you something extra :). Glad you had a nice day out.

  7. Glad to hear you had a nice day Chris! Onwards and upwards for the weekend!

  8. Those hot flashes are a bitch. Glad you found a solution. Merry Xmas to you and your family.

  9. Never had the hot flashes, but there are other symptoms, and I had some of them..It is no fun getting older...It's actually the pitts!


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