Saturday, December 26, 2009


Here's a few more family shots ... taken yesterday afternoon....
Today we are heading off to the beach with the kayak... wooo hoooo!

BACK later with photos!

Today we WERE going to spend on the water ... at the beach with the kayak... but now we are not.


Because this is how Brylee looked when she woke up this morning! We took her straight to the doctor, who thinks she is either having an allergic reaction to bites or has gotten an infection from a bite... since we have come home from the Doctor's her left hand has also started to swell up... so we may be going back to the Doctors yet.

So... we are hanging out at home today... it is better to be safe than sorry...

ONWARD.. we will have a nice day anyway!

Oh and while I'm telling news.. Mike's Subaru WRX was stolen on Christmas Eve... and he only has 3rd Party Insurance... so his $8,000 car is gone and he can't get another one. SAD.
I have taken masses of photos today..of the guys putting the big splash pool up, and the kids in it... but will show some photos of that tomorrow. Brylee's face/hand are a little better, so she is not getting worse, thank gawd! I will leave you with ONE PHOTO of the pool fun:
Steve and I nearly died laughing at this photo of Brylee's face! It's hysterical!
End of Day: even though we didn't get to go kayaking, we have had a lovely, lovely day. Family fun. nite nite.
P.S. we drove down to the Botanic Gardens to feed the ducks... Griffin fell in the lake... and Steve made me walk home! Pfffft. But it was nice.


  1. Looks like you had a great day. Have a good time at the beach. We are off to the Lake for a few days R&R

  2. oh the poor wee thing, we have had one at out patients with allergic reaction to a bite.....happy days

  3. Glad you had a nice Christmas, will have no access to the computer as of tomorrow for 12 days so will have to do a massive catch up when I get back.... Take care :-D

  4. Looks like you had a lovely day. I hope Brylee continues to get better. I bet the sopping wet Griffin had to walk home too.

  5. Sorry you didn't make it to the beach> Hope she's OK.

    Glad you had fun anywhy!

  6. Glad she was ok. Wow you did have a fun day even though things didn't go as planned!!!

  7. Aww, look at all the precious kiddos! Glad to hear Brylee is doing better. Scary when something like that happens and you don't know the cause right away.

    The pool time looked like tons of fun. Great shot of Brylee's expression. :)


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