Sunday, November 01, 2009


So, here's the latest bag.. this one is for sale. I am going to put it in my SIL's Gallery... so..... what price should I put on it????
All suggestions welcome! Edit: it's probably not a fair question! Materials cost about $15, time to make about 8 hours... but we all know nowdays that you simply can't charge for your time in this competitive market.
I didn't enjoy making this one as much as the more regular shaped ones, this one was a bit more 'tricky' and so .. not so much fun. AND because I knew it was going to be sold I was even more aware of having to do a FANTASTIC job on it! And I still don't think it's perfect. *sigh*

Anyway.. on to something else... my 'diet'... is going well! I had yesterday 'off' as my indulgent day... and I wasn't even that naughty! IN fact I couldn't eat as much as I would have liked of last night's dinner... which was my favourite.. Chinese.
Today I start a new goal for this coming week, which is to practise deep breathing and relaxation techniques. I let stress get to me all the time, and my medication of choice is FOOD... so I have to learn to relax more and not turn to food when stressed. Easier said than done, but I am going to do it. It's my GOAL for the week and I want to succeed dammit.

And I am friggin determined to lose weight this week and make it three in a row at WW's! I can do this, and I will do this! Check it out on Wednesday afternoon... You will see!

Plans for today: dunno! Will just wait and see what sort of day it pans out to be... and go from there...

As it's a fairly nice day, Stew suggested we go to the beach... so we are heading north to Omaha, having lunch at Matakana .. should be a lovley day! I have already told Stew that it's to be a healthy, low cal lunch, no ice creams necessary! You do have to get everyone 'on board' when you are really serious about losing weight!
ONWARD... the beach awaits!
Photos from today:
The MATAKANA Pub, where we had lunch. It's about 10 minutes from Omaha Beach.
MATAKANA Public Loos. Very cute design.
ABOVE AND BELOW: A tidal stream flowing through Matakana.
Griffin at Omaha, he loves the water, we couldn't get him out of it.
Stew and the kids at Omaha Beach.
Managed to buy... a rock! OK, it's got two cute Skinks on it too.
So in a nutshell.. we had a fabulous day. The weather was perfect, the beach was gorgeous, and the kids slept all the way home.. with was FREAKING AWESOME. ha ha ha.
I am hoping to start another bag tonight... going back to my regular shape... thanks for the price suggestions.
End of Day: said it all really... it's been a good one. nite nite.


  1. How much did it cost you to make (including petrol to get materials), and how much time did it take you to make? Tell me this and I'll tell you the price! :)

  2. Fruju's are only 1pt just had one yummy.....

  3. I would try $64 and see what happens. I'd put a fancy label on it about how it is hand-designed, custom crafted, one of a kind and made by a native Kiwi.

    What do you think?? Haven't priced bags so don't know if I'm coming in high or low, but I do know a special thing when I see it.

  4. I would suggest double the price of your $30 sounds good.A lot of people just don't pay for handmade items unfortunately. Its a real shame. We cannot work for an hourly fee like we could in a normal job...hugs Khris

  5. Now that the handles are on IT looks much better AND I think around the $50 mark if not $60 the other bags I would have said around $60 - $80 I WOULD PAY that happily for one of those bags (the other shapes) because they are unique! AND when you tell me the name of your SIL shop and the PHONE NUMBER I WOULD LOVE to buy one (*sniff* SEEN as Santa aint making me one Hardy Har AND I AM DEADLY SERIOUS about the cost!)

  6. Wow love the bag mum, i would put between $50 ta $80 on it as it is 1 of a king and as you said the material it took the time (that does matter) and not to mention the gas!!!!.

    Keep up the good wrk losing the weight mum we all know that you CAN DO IT!!!!!!!

    Daughter #3

  7. Well, Chris, Umunga? had a handbag and now you've got one of the Chief's holding one. Hmmm a bit too pretty I reckon!! Haha. It looks fabulous. I wouldn't undersell yourself.. At least $30 .. I'd say start at $40.. people will buy .. thats still cheap but test the waters!

  8. I do like the bag...and mmmmm the price, I think name your price and you WILL get it!!

    Good to hear you had a great day.

  9. A Chris H original? Definitely priceless :-) I'd be aiming for the $30 - $40 mark!

    Sounds like you guys had a fabulous day! Yay for kids falling asleep in the back of the car, wish I could get mine to do that! I'm at the "are we there yet" stage - gotta love 3 year olds!

  10. Always enjoy when you post photos of where you live. It's a beautiful country. I'm no good at fixing a price. Definitely make sure your expenses are covered and add a little extra for yourself of course.

  11. The bag is gorgeous. I think the higher prices mentioned above are about looks like it is a pretty good size and the effort that went in to it is worth even more than the materials. I think you will have some quick sales.

  12. "I let stress get to me all the time, and my medication of choice is FOOD.."

    I don't/won't/can't resist the urge to turn to food.

    Instead, I just try to always have lots of low-carb foods available.

    Instead of ice cream, I'll have a sugar-free popsicle.

    Instead of a hot meal, I'll have a nice big mug of low-sodium chicken broth.

    Best wishes to you.

  13. yeah, I'm terrible at pricing too. Hmmm... I think about $40. BUT if you did some baby themed ones though, someone like me would pay even more. You know, like a diaper bag? I would totally go for that and pay even more. Put a hit on the mommy market! :D

  14. Great bag! You guys have so many wonderful places to visit.


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