Friday, November 20, 2009


Is it really Friday?

I can't believe how fast this week has gone for me. No idea where it went.

Last night I worked on our tree:

Not sure if I'm liking it yet (that big thing in the middle just doesn't look right)... I'm going to put HEAPS more decorations on it over the next week or so!

TODAY: AHHHHhhh... sewing? Housework.... for sure (oh yaaaa). Usual stuff.

LATER...In order to put off doing any housework.. I put more stuff on the tree... and that big thing got moved to the back of the tree!

This is going to be our prettiest tree yet. I just love the blue!

MRS C: The Star on top will come LAST!

Errrrr... better go buy one at some stage.

Been sewing... working on three bags simultaneously... and the machine is being good! It's lovely and sunny outside too.. I should be working on me tan... but *sigh* I just wanna SEW!

DAMN! Have to stop sewing, ran outta bobbin cotton AND I have no more of the magnetic dome thingee's for the bags. Pfffft. Will get them tomorrow I suppose.

Kids are home so I suppose I could play with them.. Ker Plunk awaits!

SPARKLINGMERLOT: Yes you can breath again! My machine is behaving itself!

End of Day: no sewing tonight! Gunna chill out with the Man! nite nite.


  1. No dont like the big thing either - have a great weekend :-)

  2. I second the "no big thing." :)

  3. I can tell you where your week went to! One cooking and cleaning and fixing food and just getting a tab older every day. !!! LOL

    I think your tree is looking more like you - beautiful and spirited!(Me hopes the magic has touched you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Thank you SOOOOO much for your comment on my blog about my missing embroidery machine ! It really has me down and dragging me into a depression - BUT- your comment had me having a great belly laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing like a friend to "lighten our load". Thank you so very much!
    Hugs of appreciation.

  4. Is it Friday there already! Here it's still Thursday! Friday I'm going to Cuba! But don't tell any Americans!

  5. The big thing might look better at the top of the tree under the star or whatever you have there.

    Friday means the weekend is next - yay!!!

  6. You are on top of things Chris! I haven't even thought about our tree yet! I wanted to cancel it due to lack of interest, but I don't think my family will let me get away with that!

  7. WELL if ya wasn't TEXTING people at some ungodly hour YOU could have concentrated more on the TREE !!!!!! AND I TOLD her I DID I TOLD HER to STEP back and move AWAY FROM THE TREE!!!! but noooooooo and now look IT HAS mutated more decorations!!!!!

  8. Cute tree! Ours isn't up yet and I don't know if I will get it out or not this year since we'll be at my grandparent's house Xmas day. Who am I kidding? I love getting to see the lights on and decorating, so I'll probably put it up. (I need a smaller tabletop tree for years like this though.)

  9. Katrina5:24 PM

    Hey Chris,
    Just wanted to say that I read your blog nearly every dat- but don't leave a comment much, so just thought I would say hi. Hope your have a good weekend.
    ACT, Australia

  10. You are really with it, have your tree up and have already made some great bags for gifts. I need to get with it.

  11. love the tree! looks awesome!

  12. So can we all exhale now? I reckon all your readers have been holding their breath waiting to see if the machine behaves? I'm turning blue!

    Tree's looking good. Not sure what to do with ours this year. Need to get one first...

  13. It had to be blue ah Chris. Looks gorgeous.

  14. Yeah, it does look better.

    You know, I hate putting together my fake tree every year. I really like real ones but they are so darn expensive if you want one that's a decent size!

  15. lovely tree i love the blue :)

  16. Your tree is looking great! And it's only november - well done!

    Pleased to hear your machine is behaving itself - for once! :P

  17. Glad to hear that your machine is behaving itself! Such a relief after all the trips to the shop.

    Your tree is just getting better and better!

  18. Oh those bags are pretty. I didn't like the big thing in the middle of the tree either - its even prettier since you put more decorations up, and that blue is my fave color!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  19. That tree is gorgeous! :)


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