Thursday, November 26, 2009


I have nothing to put on me blog today!

Stew suggested I talk about my weight.. well it's the same now as it was a whole year ago. I suck.

Stew suggested I go for a walk... not gunna happen! It's hot. I hate getting too hot when out walking.

I might do some sewing.
I might do some sunbathing.
I might even do some weeding.
I might do some exercise....OR NOT.

So... I'll go for now... and do SOMETHING. Pfffffffft.
EEeee gads.. I've been watching TV! IN the morning no less!!! AND that's all!
I might just start getting ready for tonight soon... I'm going to a 'Girls Night' at Stew's work.... he's looking after the kids!
The kids and I are taking a bus to the train station this afternoon, then the train into town.. where I will give Stew the kids and go to the 'girls night'... then Stew can pick me up later. Yaaa, this means I can have a drink or 3! nice one.
It's supposed to be a 'Stamping' party.. scrapbooking shit I think. I don't really care WHAT it is... it's an OUTING... with other WOMEN.. and that is gunna be great! Much as I love Stew .. I do like talking to other adults too! And that does not happen much right now...
I am soooo going to re-join the patchwork groups next year.. once the school holidays are over. I miss them... and the ladies.
I'm off to have a shower, wash and straighten the mop (hair)... and spend an hour or so deciding what to wear! *sigh*
The kids and I walked up the hill and down the road to catch the bus... it was due at 4.18.. it hadn't turned up by 4.30 so we started walking home... and not 5 minutes later the bloody bus drove by! FUCK BUGGER AND DAMN... now we have missed the bus, and the connecting train.
I am super pissed off.. and not even sure I want to go to the party now. I'm all hot and bothered... and CRABBY.
I went.. in the car.. it took over an hour in rush hour traffic, a trip that usually takes me about 20 minutes. Pffffffffft. It was nice.. I bought a stamp or two. It is NOT going to become an obsession.. I promise you... you will not have to look at cards and such-like every day! YOU LUCKY BUGGERS.
End of Day: so, I couldn't have a drink... and I havn't had me dinner yet either.. so that's what I shall do now I think.. feed me face and have a drink! nite nite.


  1. Wern't you a member of a gym..... or how about your home gym.... and I can't talk I have become bloody lazy myself..

  2. I think today should be a day of doing just what Chris wants to do and bugger the rest of the world.

    So ... whatever you decide to do enjoy and have a great day.

  3. Makes you wonder what it is with mojo - it comes and goes:-(

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    hahahah LOVE IT!

  5. Do what ever takes your fancy!
    What happened to pepsi ?

  6. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I'm not motivated today either - must be something about Thursday! Have cleaned toilets and folded washing but not much else. Hope your day gets more exciting soon.


  7. I hope your night out is fun, fun fun! It's good to have a day from time to time to just do what you what you want, or to do nothing.

  8. WEEDING???????????????????????????? This is the first time I have heard something good about me facing Winter and you facing Summer - YeA! I don't have to look a weed in the face for several months! Yea!

    Hope you have a wonderful time !Girls time out is always great.

    We celebrate Thanksgiving here tomorrow - so best wishes to one and all !

  9. Have a great night out. Sometimes men forget women like to socialise with other grown ups. Mine sure does! I would DIE for some socialising sometime... sigh...

  10. Katrina4:02 PM

    Its good to have a day of nothing every now and then.
    Hope you have a great night tonight =)
    ACT Australia

  11. Oh Chris, that would have pissed me off big time, the bus being late. I hope you still went. Sounds like a neat night out.. maybe I should mention it to the girls down here cause it certainly is a miserable place to work right now. Maybe we could have a show off your addiction night. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I didn't get any from work.. good or bad but I wish I was more like Nette. Not afraid of anything. Roll on the holidays.

  12. Anonymous5:32 PM

    The buttons are so cute! I am determined to take a jewelry class next year- I'll just squeeze it in between my job, my kids and going back to school.
    Weight is going to become a driving force for me. I have to lose at least 30 pounds and it should be more.
    It's Thanksgiving here in the US- so today is not the day that the diet starts:)

  13. I would be super pissed of to hop in the car and go and enjoy yourself :-)

  14. Love your buttons... You sre are a clever tart...oh and be careful with the stamps... it is addictive!!

  15. Oh well I have enough motivation for all of us !!! If you count laying in the sun SUNNING ones self!!! Hope you ended the night with a feed and a drink it was well deserved! I got the email too BTW thanks!

  16. For someone who has nothing to post, you said a lot! I recommend the sunbathing option!

  17. Sounds like a bit of a rough day. Sorry things didn't go as planned. Glad you still went to the party. Hope tomorrows finds you in better spirits.

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