Sunday, November 29, 2009


PMT and MENOPAUSE are the pits.

RENA: who we don't see enough of. There was more to this post about her.. but I thought better of it. I HATE having dark hair.. and will try and get it back to this (above)... which I did love.The ONE thing in my control to change... but just can't seem to. I want to.... DESPERATELY....
See... I'm in a bit of a downer mood.... and it's only the start of the day! It can only get better... RIGHT?

I am finally out of bed... 9.55am. Blogging in bed hurts your butt after a while.. not comfy at all. pffffft. Stew is watching the rugby.. seems our boys are winning right now... so he's happy.
It's a cloudy, windy day... and not that warm. No plans for the day... might just be an 'around home' day.

I cheered myself up by doing some sewing:

Isn't this one going to be just DARLING!

I think it's just so cute! It's not finished of course...
Stew has suggested we get out and about... so we are going out for lunch.. maybe we will visit his sister out at Bethell's Beach too... will just wait and see.

We went to St Lukes Mall.. another of my favourite malls... had a very nice lunch, then popped into Manukau to get Griffin's hair cut.. now home and blobbing out in front of the telly till dinner.
I WAS going to bake a mince and bacon pie... but Stew got out Sweet Short Pastry by mistake, so now we are having fruit pie for dinner! LOL... who cares, it's food, the kids will love it ... and the mince and bacon mix can be for tomorrow night instead. Not a problem.

End of Day: in all.. a nice day. Not so grumpy now. This is good. nite nite.


  1. Yes, they need to let that precious little girl get to know her Grandma. I hope that gets better and that your day gets better also.

  2. We have two grandkids in Sydney that we never see anymore either....too sad.
    An 'around the house" day is good for the soul sometimes:)

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Awww, I hate waking up in a grump! Unfortunately it's fairly common for me! :P

    I don't know what to tell you about the weight but as a graduate of WW (EIGHT TIMES! LOL!) I don't think it allows you enough food calories wise. I know you think it's a crock of shit but BDS has worked for me. I am now 5 (if not more) kilos lighter than I was when I bought the book.

    Hang in there Chris, you are right - things can only improve.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A few grumpy posts out there today - including mine!

  6. Must be grumpy season.

    Hope your day gets better. Don't beat yourself up at the moment or the grumps will get even worse! At this time of year I think one day at a time is about all we can ask of ourselves.

    Sometimes even one minute at a time!!!

  7. I had a terrible sleep TOM came 13 days early in the night WTF!!! so had unsettled night, BUT the upside of that it was /is sunny here SO GOT A DOSE of VIT D 20 mins per side (thats 2 days this week I may be able to work myself up to 30 mins per side YET!!! BUT that is my LIMIT) OHHH and watched the AB's OUR BOYS didn't just win THEY THRASHED THE FRENCH in my opinion of course WHAT ELSE have I done Sweet Fanny Adams!

  8. Hey come down here and we could grump together.. see who gets sick of it first haha. It's crap this menopause but I can't take anything for it.. Might be just as well I live alone huh. Enjoy your day. It's beautiful down here today and I'm being Capital L for Lazy!

  9. I have a granddaughter and a grandson that I have not been allowed to spend time with since 1999 and up to that time we were always together. As you can see from the other posts - you are not alone. Although it may not fix your pain - maybe sharing it will lighten the load.

  10. well I'm glad your day finished up better than it started.

    I love those buttons you made as well,

  11. Anonymous9:23 PM

    That bag's my fave so far. Love it. Glad your day turned out better - wish I had a lazy weekend but with an almost 4 year old hyped up on Loot Bag Chocolate from a birthday party we were out of luck - lots of laughs though. Love St Lukes too - you're game going on the weekend though!!! I'm lucky to get to the Supa Centre in Manukau after work!!

    Kate (Rogers)

  12. love the bag and love that hair color too. amazing how moods shift.

  13. oooooo, ou made that bag in blues - my favorite color!!!!
    Hope your day got better:))


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