Monday, October 26, 2009


Before I started 'patchwork'.. I had no idea what a Fat Quarter was... and since then I've been asked a few times what it was... so I'm gunna tell you!

ABOVE: let's pretend this is a 'normal' bolt of material... as you can see it comes off the roll folded in half eh? Well it does...

ABOVE: here I am showing you the material cut off the roll into 1/4 and 1/2 metre amounts, and opened up....

ABOVE: if you ask for a 1/4 of a metre the long skinny piece is what you would get... not very useful like that is it? NO..... so instead if you ask for a 'fat quarter' they cut 1/2 a metre, then cut it on that fold... and wah-laaa... you get a FAT QUARTER! It's a much more 'handy' size to use in patchwork.
There ya go... for all you girls who have asked... my job is done. I feel much better now.

Today: it's still a holiday here. NO IDEA what we will do today... most of the jobs in the yard are done (Stew is a darling).... and I really don't want to spend the day doing housework..... so I won't.

I'LL be back..... later...... with something to yak about I'm sure!

Decison made... we are going out to Bethell's Beach to visit Stew's sister... she has re-opened her Art Gallery on her own property after having to close her shop earlier on in the year due to the Recession. Here's hoping she can do some good business now, without having the big expense of renting retail premises and all that!

I will buy a chook or two and some lovely fresh bread for a picnic! It's supposed to be utter crap weather today... so maybe it will be a picnic on the lounge floor!

ABOVE AND BELOW: MY Sister In Law's new Gallery
ABOVE: While it is still quite small... it is lovely. I am going to make some bags to sell in it I think.
ABOVE AND BELOW: the Gallery and her home is surrounded by beautiful native bush.
After having a lovely picnic lunch we drove over to Piha.. one of the most notorious beaches on the west coast of Auckland... it was just voted the most DANGEROUS Beach in New Zealand.
There is a programme on TV called "Piha Rescue", which shows the life guards on duty... and many of the rescues as they happen.
While it may look lovely.. is is a very very dangerous beach with rips and holes everywhere. I ain't ever swimming here!
It's late afternoon now, and the weather is getting quite ikky.... as predicted it would. Good time to curl up with a blankie and chill out till dinner time.
End of Day: a lovely day overall.... very happy about that. nite nite.


  1. Ha I had always wondering what a fat quarter was too.... I have just changed my work day for a month or so to a wed (can't be helped) but am going to go to another meeting on Tuesday night so I don't have the girls. Will def like to switch back to a Wed even if its only to meet the famous Chris!!!

  2. I wonder if fat quarters are the same useing inches,feet and yards? Yikes! Don't get me started on too much brain power,LOL! I do own a lot of fat quarters though!

  3. I knew fat quarters dealt mainly with quilting, but still wasn't sure how much material it entailed. Thanks for the education!

  4. Ohh a trip and a picnic and some browsing sounds like a holiday day to me!

  5. I had worked out what a fat quarter was but thanks for the lesson anyway.

    Hope you have a great day out... The weather is pretty crappy here too...

  6. Your SIL's Gallery looks lovely. You & me both on No swimming at that beach LOL

  7. oh my, your sister's gallery is filled with lots of delights. I could have a ball in there!

    does she have any frogs???

    Your bags would go well in there I think...

  8. The gallery looks like my kind of place! And fat quarters-- I learned something new! Thanks.

  9. Sounds like you had agreat day Chris the gallery looks lovely

  10. Would love to browse around Stew's sister's gallery, looks interesting:-)

    Of to watch Piha rescue - one of my programs I like to follow.

  11. I think your sis in laws place looks lovely, every time we watch Piha Rescue I always say never ever ever ever will me or my kids swim at that beach!!!! It is a lovely beach but oh so dangerous..

  12. Hey, great idea to sell your bags
    Chris. They are gorgeous. Have a look at the library for a book called 21 Sensational Patchwork Bags by Susan Briscoe... I have just renewed it for the second time so I can take it to Palmy at the weekend. Glad you've had a great weekend. It's been fantastic weather AT LAST!

  13. Gosh your sister-in-laws gallery is beautiful.

    Sounds like you had a fabulous long week-end.


  14. The art gallery looks lovely and the garden is gorgeous. You sure do live in a beautiful part of the world.

  15. The gallery looks like a wonderful place, and a perfect outlet if you want to sell your bags. Oh, and I appreciated the information on "fat quarters". Your explanation was very good.

  16. Thank you for explaining what a fat quarter is!

    That gallery is adorable. I think selling your bags there would be perfect!

  17. it is beautiful... i would wade on the edge LOL... your SIL's place is lovely!

  18. Thanks for getting me up to speed on fat quarters. What a lovely little shop. Such beautiful scenery I so jealous. Sounds like your holiday was a success.

  19. It's so pretty there!! GL to your sil's new gallery it looks nice.

  20. You are right, your sister-in-law's shop is small, but cute. Looks like lots of breakables for my kids to play with.


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