Thursday, October 15, 2009


It's Thursday... I'm gunna sew today.
I might even do some housework.

AND.... that is all for now! I am coming up with blank, blankety, blank for today!
So... what are YOU doing today??? Tell me. I hope it's more exciting than my plans.

I had to go out to get a few essentials from the supermarket, and dog food. It was raining so hard I missed the turn off to the Pet Shop... so didn't get the dog food. Pffffft.... it is a totally crap day out there!
At least I'm now confident driving ROXY... if I wasn't I would never go out in this weather! The traffic is nuts out there.

I am NOW going to do some sewing... and Yes, I know I said I would probably never make another bag like the one last Saturday... BUT.... I upped the size of the pattern so it's not quite so 'finicky' to sew (I hope!).

ABOVE: I've been sewing for about 3 hours... all the fancy stitching is done on the body of the bag.. now the bitch bit ... piping, zip... bla bla bla. Hopefully I can remember all the instructions... and hell... how to put the zip in! I've not done 'zips' much in me life....
I THINK ZIPS SCARE ME! ha ha ha!.....HA! Awesome... the zip went in no problem at all! Now all I have to do is stitch the top bit to the bottom bit.... no mean feat I might add. I am going to leave that particular 'challenge' till after dinner.
DINNER: is Spaghetti Bologneise... so yum! I don't hate dinner times now that I have set up a 'Menu Plan' ... I just glance at it every morning and I know what I'd doing for dinner that night! No more getting takeaways cos I havn't organised dinner. IT'S WORKING!
End of Day: and I can say that the zip was the EASY PART! Pffffft. Dinner was lovely, and I made enough for another night's dinner too. COOL. nite nite.


  1. Nothing happening here pissing down with rain... oh am taking my daughter out for her one on one.... :-)

  2. dont no bout weather here im still in bed lol

  3. I did errands in the pouring rain this morning! But we need the rain so badly I can't even complain. Now I'm home for the day and putting up Halloween decorations :-)
    Happy sewing!

  4. Raining here off and on, too, in Southern California. Had to run son around, and now back home, killing time before I get to see my oldest friend for the first time in YEARS! So excited! :)

  5. Sorry mate, but your plans are more exciting than mine!! I have to work for 9.5 hours :(

    But looking forward to the weekend for a bit of a break, and maybe do some painting!! Did ya end up checking out my pottery on Facebook? Not as good as your by a long shot! but an OK first attempt!!

    Hope you have a good day!!

    Leanne (MissyLJ)

  6. I'm off to water my parents grass seed - again!!

  7. This week is still school holidays over here, and although Guy doesn't go to school, all of his usual activities have stopped... soooo, I have to entertain him!... Not one of my strong points.

    We have a friend and her daughter coming over this afternoon, so I think Guy and I will go and get some cup cake ingredients and make them together so the kids can enjoy them for afternoon tea.

    OR maybe I'll just plonk him in front of the telly all day... Nah, as tempting as it is, that won't happen!

  8. Not much fun here today, but at least there is beautiful weather.
    Looking forward to the week-end, but that will include six kids soccer games, if I so choose...make-ups on Sunday from SNOW last Saturday. But, at least it will be the week-end. I might skip the Saturday soccer and go to a casino.

  9. Raining in Melbourne, too. Housework. Housework. And if I'm lucky ... housework!! The place needs a decent clean and my stepson and his partner are coming down from Queensland on Saturday as a surprise for Hubby's 60th. Working out the logistics of that are proving challenging as Husband always likes to go OUT on Saturday and I need to keep him HOME!

    Happy sewing, Chook

  10. Nothing excited like Jaxx said its pissing down :( been at school wagged last block (..shhhh don't tell my mother ;)..)

  11. It's raining here in Missouri, too!

    I have cut myself so many times on zippers. I prefer velcro, but sometimes the zip does a better job.

    Enjoy being creative. The bag is beautiful!

  12. The weather today is horrible! Love the colours on your bag!

  13. I worked till 4pm in a beautiful day when I was wishing I was outside, bets it pisses down at the weekend!! Then I went to the dietician, then home now watching Canty play Hawkes Bay, i know you didnt want to hear that, but bet Stew is watching too!!! Off to get washing sorted for hanging out in the neat bag, you clever tart!!!

  14. What are we doing? Unpacking - getting back into the real world after a holiday...

  15. Forward planning really is the key to eating well and saving money.

    I await the parcel with baited breath! And will take photos!

  16. Your sewing inspires me! I wish I could do the beautiful projects you do. I just got done making some REALLY basic costumes for my dogs, and I am SO glad to be done with them! I don't think I have the patience to do the intricate work you do!


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