Sunday, September 20, 2009


My computer chair is broken... it was a cheap and nasty chair... you get what ya pay for ... *sigh*... Stew had a look at it last night.. and condemned it.

We are off to Hamilton today, Joel is turning 5. He's Amanda's youngest boy. So, hopefully the weather stays reasonably nice for his day...

Lacy and Tim are coming over from Tauranga too... and maybe Kelly will turn up too? That would be nice. I understand the table Tim was making for me is finished too... I hope they can bring it with them!

Right, that's it for now... gotta get moving...
ABOVE: it was a beautiful, sunny spring day in Hamilton.
ABOVE: The Birthday Boy, Joel.... eating cake and jelly.
ABOVE: believe it or not, there WAS an adult under that pile of kids!
ABOVE: Amanda had a haircut.... totally loved it.
ABOVE: Rena and her Dad....
ABOVE: Rena and Logan.... having their own little Party ... with the pegs. So cute.
ABOVE: Logan's Mum, having her own sort of 'fun'....
ABOVE: Lacy, Tim and Amanda. Stew had a FIRST today! Tim got him alone today and 'formally' asked him for Lacy's hand in Marriage! Awwwwww. So sweet. He loves her so much.
ABOVE: Me and my girls.
We have had a really lovely day... is so nice when a lot of friends and family get together.
Tim and Lacy DID bring me the table he made.... but I will show ya all it tomorrow... have to leave something for tomorrow's post!
End of Day: a really neat day. Ate too much, but it was a party! nite nite.


  1. Hope you're having an awesome weekend and the boys are doing ok. Praying.

  2. Hope you have a lovely day at your grandson's birthday.

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Have a good trip! I broke a computer chair here recently as well. I cried afterward (pregnancy hormones) thinking I'd gotten that freaking fat that I broke a chair, plus I actually fell out of the thing. It's now sitting staring at me. Bad chair!!!

  4. Congratulations to Tim and Lacy! So lovely to see all your photo picks especially the one of you with your beautiful girls. Sounds like a wonderful day.

  5. wowwww Love the pic of you and your girls.
    Tim sounds like a great guy, congratulations to him and Lacy.

  6. Sounds like a fabulous day - beautiful photos, your girls look so much like you. Can't believe how much Rena has grown, I remember when you were posting about her birth! Hope Joel had a happy birthday.

  7. Glad that you had a great weekend! I loved the pic with you in it.

  8. Chris!! I LOVE the picture of you and your girls! Your hair looks so good!! :) Hope you are having a happy Monday! It's still Sunday here and I'm going to take a nap! Ha!

  9. Awwwww...great pictures! Love the one of you and your beautiful daughters. :)

  10. Great pic of you and the girls!

  11. That's a beautiful photo of you and your girls. Beautiful ladies.

    And that table is fantastic!

    And what a catch is Tim! Hope it all goes well for them. They deserve it.


  12. What a great picture of you and the girls. I'm glad you've had a couple of really good days!


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