Thursday, September 10, 2009


The Patchwork ladies and I are off to Hamilton today... to attend the Craft/Quilt Fair! It is supposed to be really great... I've not been before so I hope it is....

Apparently all the retailers will be there selling their latest and greatest products.. all crafts covered by the sound of it... scrapbooking, quilting, beads etc. I wonder if I will find anything to buy?????So sadly I will be away from the computer ALL DAY! No updates till much later tonight....

HAVE A GOOD DAY WON'T YA? I'm going to!

OH! I will leave you with this:

ABOVE: this is "SPLASH"..... it is 90% finished... I just have to put the crystals on and the backing, binding and label. I am wrapt with it, what do you think?

End of Day: it's still early, but I'm knackered! The show was neat.. I added a few bits of material to my 'STASH'... *smiles*... but for now I am going to put me feet up and have some dinner! I will show off my new material tomorrow. nite nite.


  1. Love it :) Have a great day at the craft show, look awesome from what I just seen on Breakfast :)

  2. Have a great day and hell what a shock it will be if you came back with nothing lol

  3. Have a great time at the craft show.

  4. It's gorgeous, your sewing projects that you do are great - I so wish I was as talented (I can tack up a pair of trousers!). XCathy

  5. Have a wonderful day Chris. Your latest masterpiece is unreal. I want one!!!

    I meant to comment the other day about letting the kids walk to school. I have just let mine walk home by themselves one day a week and Nikki is nearly 13. It's very tough to let go. So I had a bit of a laugh when you followed them.

  6. I can't wait to see what you bring back. I haven't done any sewing for years, but you make it seem very enticing. though I never was as creative as you are.

  7. What do I think?!!! I thnk it is amazingly gorgeous!

  8. I knew you would be probably be at the craft show after I saw it on Breakfast. I loved the African quilt. Hope you had a nice day out.

  9. Sounds like a good day! I so wish I had your talent!!

  10. Yeah Good. You're not showing your fabric till I've left cause then I won't drawl over what bargains you got when there's none left on Saturday haha. Hey Splash is gorgeous. I love the colours. I'm thinking I should try something like that for my couch cushions. It is an orangey colour couch so maybee.... geez I procrastinate. Time for bed or I'll never get up at 6am. Have fun with your fabric. K

  11. As usual - your artistry blows me away. How beautiful your work is, Chris!

  12. you are amazing....THAT IS SO BEAUTIFUL!


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