Friday, August 14, 2009


After gym this morning I am going to make a start on these two little cuties! I'm taking a break from the bigger projects for a few days... it will be nice to make something little and cute.

I got the material for them the other day... not a perfect match with the pictures, but close enough. I have no idea who will get them once they are made... but it can't hurt to have a few gifts like this tucked away for when needed eh?

Anyway... time to get moving... lunches, kids to school... and my sorry butt to the gym. "JUST DO IT... just do it.... ".... works for me.
ABOVE: The Convergence Quilt on Brylee's bed.
Gym today was really hard.. everything still hurt from Wednesday's workout! ...
I've been a bit lazy this afternoon and I did some reading instead of sewing ... but I will do some tonight for sure.
Picked up the kids from school.. and was hauled into the classroom by Griffin's teacher ... seems he has NOT been doing any of his homework. *sigh*... suppose that is my fault.
On a good note though, the school has been told that their application for funding through the system for Griffin has been approved, but it will take 5-6 weeks for him to be tested and something to be put in place. Oh well... we all know these things take time. So we wait... AGAIN.
It's an incredibly wet and horrible day out there too... all I feel like doing now is curling up with me book.. SO I WILL.
End of Day: all in all a kinda nice day.. no drama, no nothing really. nite nite.


  1. That quilt is great. Haven't done a Convergence quilt yet but on the to do list.
    The Melly and Me patterns are just great. I have a few of them ready to make.
    Hope the gym went well.

  2. I'm glad you found your abs...sorry it was a painful find though! it will get better with consistency! Have a great weekend!

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM


    I love them!!!! I think they are so cute. Good luck for Monday - is Stew going with you this time?


  4. cool and the dolls will be fun, good luck having them look like the picture. I made a doll once and it looked like dolly parton! big yellow hair!

  5. Love the quilt!!

  6. The quilt looks gorgeous on the bed. And those two little ducks are so cute! I bet you get hooked, and the ducks start to multiply like rabbits LOL.


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