Saturday, August 01, 2009


See what I bought yesterday! A HUGE AS ROASTING/CASSEROLE dish.. OK the colour sucks (should have been blue)... but OH well... it was HALF PRICE!!!! And it's solid cast iron and it rocks. I love it.
No more squishing everything into a little dish and covering it with tinfoil! AWESOME.
Even at HALF PRICE it was bloody expensive! But, it will last me a lifetime, and longer!

It's too early in the day to know what's on the Agenda for today. Stew and I are off to the Doctor's at 9.30am, then who knows?
I wonder if I will gain weight this week? After the shock of last week's events... I lost heaps, now I have my appetite back.... hmmmmm.

ABOVE: What I did last night... I put the borders on the latest Convergence Quilt. It's now big enough for a single bed! I still have to put the batting in, backing on, quilt it etc... so it's nowhere near finished YET!

- Bugger, I gained a kilo.

- Been playing poker with the boys all afternoon.. it's fun. I do not have a POKER FACE apparently. *sigh*

- Dinner is in the oven... in the lovely new roasting dish.

It is a totally crap sort of day, wind and rain... cold too. Best to just stay in the house and chill out.

End of Day: I suck at Poker... that is all. nite nite.


  1. Good luck on the weight loss front. You're doing a fantastic job on the quilt Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Thank goodness you had that second pic of the roasting dish - I wondered what on earth it was by the first one (morning "wake up" eyes here! lol).

    Your convergence quilt looks amazing. Someone's bed will look amazing with that on it.

    Good luck with the weigh in - and have a fabulous Saturday :))

  3. Anonymous11:24 AM

    That quilt is gorgeous. I'm not usually a pink or blue kinda girl but I think I've changed my mind!

    Hope you have a good Saturday.

  4. That casserole/roasting dish looks fabulous. My fear with those is that I won't be able to lift the darn things out of the oven!

    Your quilt is great and it is nice that it is liked by the men of the family.

    I hope the trip to the doctor's was all good!

  5. Hmmm can I come over to your place for Dinner?

  6. Anonymous9:26 PM

    LOL I wondered what he was holding up at first too - great dish, great meal - apart from the brussel sprouts of course ;)

  7. yum - that looks delicious and healthy!!!

  8. I like a little poker myself from time to time (mostly the video kind in a casino). What a fun way to spend a bad weather afternoon with the boys.

  9. Dinner looks great...wish I could come. The qult is lovely! Good luck with your diet!

  10. That's gotta be a Le Creuset lucky duck!!

  11. That big pot won't work, you'll just put more in it and have to put tinfoil on it anyway!
    "The number of friends you have over for dinner is always more than your biggest pot can hold"
    A new rule of life I just made up.

  12. those are wonderful pots in any color!! looks good enough to eat!

  13. Your dinner looks de-lish and I love love love your take care will you...


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