Friday, July 10, 2009


Last night I decided to re-arrange the family room... I just didn't like how it looked, all that clutter in one area:
And every time we wanted to use the bed settee we had to drag it out into the middle of the room:

And that just sucked.

ABOVE: So... with Griffin's help I moved things around:

ABOVE: So now, the computer is over where the bed settee used to be..

ABOVE: and the settee is where the computer used to be. It looks so much better... don'tcha think???

One of my most favourite things to do (apart from shopping) .... is re-arranging the furniture! LOL. I'm fairly LIMITED in how much I can move things around in this house though... *sigh*.

Today I suppose I will take the kids out somewhere... can't have them stuck inside all day eh? I think Steve is coming up for a visit tonight... not sure. But if he does that will be nice. He can take a look at me computer issues. Yihaaaa!

I havn't read a decent book in bloody ages.

I won this book in Coffee Slut's competition:

I have been putting off starting it.. kinda putting off the disappointment ya know? I have read far too many duds lately.

Anyway, I finally pick up this book and BUGGER ME! I can't put it down! It's got me hooked.... from about page 1!!!.... god I love a book like that. And they are so few and far between nowdays.

So... I'm reading..BUGGER OFF.

I will come back later... much later... lol!

Roast Pork is in the oven.

Steve is due for dinner.

Lynise is due for after dinner yakkity yak.

Book is riveting, just my luck she's only written 6 books and I have them all read in a week. Pffffft.

End of Day: the book should be finished by the time I go to bed... it's really good.. love the style she's written it in.

Lynise just left... love seeing her.. we always had a lovely yak. Nice seeing ya chick.. now back to the COOKIE JAR. Steve is here for the night.. nice having him home too. Wish he'd stay longer. The kids just love him. nite nite.


  1. Hi Chris, got your parcel this morning. The Pukeko's rock, thanks so much and the other stuff too... awesome, but totally unexpected. Hmmmmmm you certainly do love shopping..but am very happy to be the recipient of the efforts. Family room looks so much better - yep got around to reading your blog this morning. All good here. Thanks so much again, have a great rest of the holidays :-) xxx Me

  2. Amazing how moving furniture can change the look of a room.

    And if I knew how to make a header I would! It takes a lot to offend me, kiddo, so don't stress!!! Now I'm going to have breakfast and SEW. Jealous?

  3. Hi ya,

    I'm in Auckland later, any time for a coffee? Hey, Mc Cafe has a playground. lol

  4. Enjoy your book =]

  5. I've heard this book is awesome and it is also a movie.

  6. Katrina2:37 PM

    Hi Chris,
    I hope your enjoying your book - I have read a few Jodi Picoult books and they have all been great.
    Have a nice day,
    ACT, Australia

  7. Yes there's nothing like a good book you can't put down - Happy reading!

  8. You won't be disappointed in the book, (well I don't think you will be) I love Jodi Picoult, her books always have a twist.

  9. omg Jodi Picoult is like the best author ever!! And that book well all I can say is have a tissue ready! She has written way more than 6 books - closer to 16 probably and they are all pretty much fantastic. She is definitley one to read all her works. I'm a long time lurker by the way Chris - love your blog and it's honesty. Funny how passionate I am about my reading that it was the book that finally prompted me to leave a comment lol

  10. The books sounds great, I'll have to pick up a copy. I'm overdue for a good one.

    I love how you rearrange your furniture. I wish you could help me do mine. I'm in need of a little re-vamping of my family room...

  11. She is my fav author.. if you want I can lend you my others :) happy to post them up to you. She writes another book every year... I have not been disappointed but her yet. Perfect Match is my favorite so far.

  12. I've read it too, great book! Looking forward to the movie as well.

  13. I book I have just finished reading is "The Necklace" a true story absolutely heartwarming read and is going to make an awesome movie!!!

  14. i wanna read it... and ... angels and demons is a good read... i had a hard time putting it down.

  15. Can't wait to see what you think about the book :)

  16. The rearrangement looks good. You can come and rearrange my house anytime! The book looks good - is the movie in New Zealand yet?

  17. Her books are always easy to get caught up in. Furniture looks good, but might make watching TV a little more difficult. Have a great weekend.

  18. I love how you rearranged your room. Glad you like your new book. Try the Twilight is awesome.

  19. I've heard good things about this book.


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