Friday, June 12, 2009


Yep... I'm a bundle of JOY this morning!
And I don't really feel like doing anything... but I have to eh?

Kids have to be taken to school and then I have an eye appointment this morning too. WONDERFUL... when I'd rather just curl up and do nothing.

Thank god all the housework is up to date .... at least I can do NOTHING and not feel guilty about it.

And I'm dying to get on with my sewing.... but it will just have to wait. I'm miserable.... I bloody well HATE having a blocked nose and sneezing all the time. Pffffffft.
I'm going now. *sniff* *sniff*

While I'm still sitting here.... last night I was playing with the camera on my new phone... and I am totally GOBSMACKED at what it can do! It can do heaps more than my big EXPENSIVE camera!

For instance:

"MOSAIC" shots.... where you can take several 'photos' in one frame...

AND FRAME a shot too... hell there's heaps it can do! Maybe today I will just lie on the couch and take photos of me toes.... in black and white, in sepia, in negative, in Pamorama, multi shots, smile shots (don't understand that one), or maybe I will video them! Ahhh the choices are endless....

Wouldn't you think, with the way the economy is right now... people would be trying to get work? I rang a concrete guy to come and give me a quote on extending our driveway a couple of metres... he hasn't turned up! Pfffffft. Useless git.

Going to me eye appointment now...

Just as I was leaving for the eye appointment the concrete guy turned up, an hour late.... so we had a quick chat about what I wanted.. and he gave me a verbal quote... and I said "I'll let ya know" and left. He quoted me a thousand dollars to lay a piece of concrete 3 X 2.5 metres! He will not be getting the job!

Is that a 'normal' price? I don't know, but I am still going to try and find those 'holey' pavers, they MUST be a cheaper option.

The eye exam went well....if ya like numb eyes and streaming mascara! The upshot is my new prescription sunglasses should be here in about 2 weeks.. cool. No more squinting in the sun and having sore eyes.

The COLD... seems to be getting no better yet... in fact I feel like shit still. Just want to lie down and close my eyes....the kids are home from school and I've already screamed at them to shut up. *sigh*.... how long till Stew comes home?

End of Day: yes I know it's early... but honestly I just want to go to bed! nite nite.


  1. That's the bombdiggity... Love those shots. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Poor thing! I hope you get better soon!

  3. Hope you soon feel better:-)

  4. Oh, yeah, that snot pic is SEXY!

    Not. You added some colour to my day, though! LOL

  5. Get well soon, cheers

  6. soorrry about the sinus stuff, the cartoon is ummm well it speaks for itself, and just what is dropping from that guys nose? It's dark brown on my never mind, don't tell me, ever.

  7. Anonymous3:04 PM

    you are so bloody clever despite the snot!!!! Love the photo's. Hope the snot clears up soon & that you dont run out of soft tissues!

  8. Aw, feel better soon.

  9. Hang in there and feel better soon.

  10. Hope you are better soon. Make the most of having Stew home LOL :)
    Take care :)

  11. How much for the glasses Chris? How much for the lenses?? I know that OPSM had a sale but I didn't like any of the frames on me. My frames were not too dear, just the glass in them. Oh well..

  12. You must have some special powers love as I too have this wonderful snot thing happening and a really sore throat.

    Feel like shit and just want to curl up and do nothing


  13. Chris I will take a photo on Monday when I get back to work of the ramp and the effect and hopefully you will see the bumpy pavers underneath to give you an idea BETTER still I will ask my employer WHERE he got them from as he bought them and laid down the pavers himself (he is like that A REAL DOER AND HANDYMAN type of guy).

  14. Hope tomorrow is better for you. I can't stand having a cold either. That phone of yours is pretty neat. Take care of yourself.

  15. stop showing me stuff like this... it makes me want to buy an iphone :)

  16. check that.. i just re-read and realized that its NOT an iphone...

    ok, then... you STILL have a damn cool phone :)

  17. The phone camera is so cool. I do hope you are feeling better soon. Have a great weekend.

  18. OHhh, I know how you feel. It really stinks being sick and in bed. Loud noises seem even louder and you just want quiet. It's harder to have patience with people. It's been a hellish 2 weeks for me too. I hope you feel better soon. :(


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